Chapter Thirty Six: Boys Go to Jupiter

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*******Jin's POV*******


I'd had enough.

I couldn't just stand here any longer and watch my soulmate giggle at another guy.


Not going to happen.

Namjoon might be a dick who was ready to give up on the people he was meant to be with, but I wasn't. I might not be able to have him, but I damn sure wasn't going to give up on Kris. I had gotten to know her the past couple of weeks, and if I'm being honest with myself, then I have to admit that I'm already falling for her.

I watched for another moment as she giggled at something Jay said, then narrowed my eyes when she reached out to touch his arm as she said something back.

I ran a hand through my hair and took a deep breath. There was a burning sensation in my chest and I felt like kicking something. It took me a moment to figure out what I was feeling, because this wasn't something that I felt often.

I was jealous.

I didn't like it. It was a horrible feeling. Damn. Was this what Joon had been feeling since he found out Kris was my soulmate, too? It kind of made me feel for him.

Kind of.

I wasn't about to turn into him and do everything that I could to push my soulmates away. No. I wasn't going anywhere. And she needs to know it.

I set my jaw and narrowed my eyes as I started towards where she was standing with Jay. I was determined not to mess things up with her and make sure that she knew I was here, and I was in this, no matter what Namjoon ended up deciding.

I walked up behind Jay and just stood there. He was even shorter this close up, and Kris could easily see me over the top of his head.

"Jin?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Hey, Kris..." I said, running a hand through my hair again. It was probably really messed up by now. "Can we talk for a minute? Outside?"

She smiled at me and I relaxed a little. "Of course you can." She turned back to Jay. "It was nice talking to you, I hope we can talk again some time."

"I...yeah. Me, too," Jay said, looking back at me with a frown.

I reached my hand out to her and she slipped her fingers between mine, letting me pull her with me. I guess I was a little eager, because it took me a moment to notice that she was having to run to keep up. Her legs were much shorter than mine. So I shortened my stride so that she would walk normally.

"Sorry, angel," I told her. "I tend to forget that not everybody's legs are as long as mine. Even Jimin, who is short, has long legs. It's his upper body that's short."

She giggled at me and moved to my side as we walked to the door. When I opened it for her, she thanked me as she walked outside, not letting go of my hand, so that I was now the one trailing behind her. She walked down the stairs to the ground and then turned to look at me.

"Do you want to talk here, or....?" She asked me, lifting her eyebrows in question.

"Umm...Can we walk?" I asked her and she nodded. I squeezed her hand, not wanting to let go of it, so I didn't. "Kris, I feel like I need to say something to you."

"What's that, Jinnie?" She asked me with a smile.

"Umm..." I said again. I don't know why I was having a hard time getting this out. Maybe I was afraid that after everything with Joon, she'd decide that having a soulmate was too much trouble. I sighed and stopped walking, turning to face her again. "I just...Please don't push me aside because of what Namjoon is doing."

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