Chapter Fifty-Three: You Don't Have To

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*******Jin's POV*******

"Joooooonie!" I whined at him. Just because I'm the oldest, doesn't mean that I'm above a good whine when I'm not getting my way.


"Oh come on!" I said, gripping his bicep between my fingers. "Please!"

We'd been trying to figure out the dynamics of completing our bond, since we got back to my condo, and it's been over an hour. And in the meantime, Kris and I had been taking turns getting sick every 10 minutes or so. She stuck her head out of the bathroom, a toothbrush in her hand, because she was brushing her teeth after throwing up again.

"Joon, just give the man what he wants," she told him. Or more...she mumbled at him, since her mouth was full of toothpaste. "I've only known him a few weeks, and even I know what a big baby he can be when he doesn't get his way."

"Hey!" I protested. They both tilted their heads at the same time to give me a look that said I knew that they were right. And I did. "Okay, fine, but still. Rude."

"I don't care," Namjoon said, crossing his strong arms over his broad chest. "I don't bottom, Jin, and you know it. It's not happening."

"It's the only thing that makes sense, though," I tried to explain to him as Kris ducked her head back into the bathroom to rinse her mouth out. "You need to bond with her and I need to bond with you."

He huffed. "So we can do that individually."

"No we can't," I told him. "This three person soulmate bond might be new, but we have to all bond together. That's how it works."

It would also work if I just let him have his way and he didn't bottom. Hobi, JK, and Mairette had bonded after the first time, and I knew that JK hadn't bottomed yet at that point. But Joon doesn't need to know that little piece of information. I only knew because I had asked Hobi how it all worked, so that I'd be prepared. But... I'd been trying to get Joon to let me top for years, and he always shot me down. This was probably my best chance to get it to happen.

It wasn't that I wanted to become a full-on switch. I just...wanted to know how he felt. And I wanted to show him how much I love him. And...I wanted to be in control for once. I tried. I really tried to be a power bottom, but I just couldn't. Not with Namjoon. He exuded power out of every fiber of his being, so I never had a chance.

Kris came out of the bathroom carrying a bottle of lube that she must have found while digging around in my cabinet. Not that I minded. Most of her stuff was here, too, so this place was just as much hers as it was mine at his point.

"You're going to have to get over it, Joon," she told him as she showed him the bottle she was carrying. "We took a vote and you lost."

"This is so unfair," he whined, sounding a little like me at this point. "What happened to 'no means no'?"

I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder, turning him to face me. "Look...if you really don't want to do this, then you don't have to. We can just do it your way and hope that it works."

It would definitely work either way, but again...he didn't need to know that just yet.

He looked at me, then at Kris, then back to me before sighing just like I had. I saw his shoulders slump as he did. "No. I'll do it. I owe you both for what I put you through."

I frowned and looked at Kris who was frowning, as well, and I shook my head.

"No. Never mind," I told him. I wanted this, but I didn't want it like this. "We'll do it your way, Joonie."

His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "What? But I just said that I would do it. And I will. I'll bottom."

I shook my head at him and Kris touched his arm.

"We don't want you doing it just because you feel like you owe us something," she told him.

God I loved this woman. She really could read my mind. She knew exactly what I was feeling without me having to say it. I love her? That's the first time I've thought that. But...yeah. Yeah, I do. I love her. I love them both.

"She's right," I said, reaching up to touch his jawline. "That's not the right reason to do it."

"Then what is the right reason, Seokjin?" he asked me, covering my hand with his own and pressing my palm against his cheek. "Is it because I love you? Check. Or because I've actually been thinking about it for a while? Check. How about because every time you ask me to bottom for you, it breaks my heart to see the look on your face when I say no? Also check. I didn't mean that the way that it sounded. I'm not only doing this because I feel like I owe you both for hurting you. Although, I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't at least a small part of it. But it's not the only reason, Jinnie. I promise. The dominant part of me just had to argue with you about it for a bit first. But I want this. I do."

"Are you sure?" I asked him, still not believing what he was saying. "You don't have to do this, Namjoon."

Kris pressed up against his side and wrapped around his arm. "He's right, Joonie. You don't have to. We're happy either way, as long as we complete our bond."

He tilted his head down, looking at her as she stared back up at him, then he leaned down and kissed her before turning to kiss me, too.

"I'm sure. I promise," he said, looking at me, then Kris again. "I want this. I want you both."

"Well I hope so," I said with a chuckle. "Because apparently this shit is for life. We can't even be away from each other for a few days once we do this."

Namjoon shook his head. "Don't want to be away from you for a few hours, let alone days. I just want you both with me all of the time."

Kris groaned. "We are all going to get so sick of each other."

I cocked my head to the side. "You and I spend pretty much every moment together, and I'm not sick of you, yet. Are you sick of me?"

She cocked her head like I did and pushed her lips out as she looked up at the ceiling like she had to think about it.

"Hey!" I said, reaching across Joon to swat at her hip. "That's not nice!"

Kris giggled and grabbed my hand. "I'm not sick of you, handsome. I'm not sure that I ever could be."


A/N: There will be another update tomorrow. Seriously. I promise. It's already written. I'm sorry that life gets in the way of my writing. Thank you for continuing to read my stories. Your support means so much to me. -------Kat


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