03. | ᴄᴀʀʀɪʟʟᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴅᴇ ᴠɪᴇɴᴛᴏ

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What's wrong with feeling good? Are you not feeling well? Damn; Get it the right way, okay?


If Zenitsu had to admit something, it was that no matter how much or little money Suma was paying him for those classes, they really helped.

He'd almost scraped together $50, and he could already taste that cherry-red electric guitar that gleamed on the music store display in front of him.
By his calculations he was only a little over $450 short, but was he already on his way or not? Sometimes he was tired always seeing the glass half empty.

Every day he passed in front of that store and checked that the instrument was still there. And without exception that day it was. I stick those worn papers more to his chest and sigh almost like a teenager in love before having to look away and continue walking.

Lost in thought of him, Zenitsu unwrapped the Dorayaki he had taken from work (hoping no one would notice) and took a big bite just as he heard someone yell his name causing him to turn around.

To his surprise it was that man Uzui Tengen walking in his direction. Both hands were hidden in his coat and a gray scarf was wrapped around his neck.
The nights were still cold and Zenitsu had to go home before he threatened to snow.

"Well, to whom do I owe the pleasure?" Uzui greeted somewhat ironically but without the intention of offending. "Long time not see you."

Zenitsu on the other hand swallowed the piece of bread in his mouth and looked up to meet his gaze, not returning the playful tone Uzui gave him, but not completely rejecting it he finally answered. "We met last week"

"Really?" The taller one questioned, breaking their gaze by focusing his attention on the shorter one's half-finished bread. "I must have missed you or something, I feel like it's been a long time."

"I don't spend that much." Zenitsu ignored the albino's comment. "Come sit down," he said, raising his hand to indicate a bench across the street.

As they crossed, Uzui wondered why the blonde's apparent good mood, because compared to the first encounter he seemed more relaxed this time. It must be the hunger.

Once together on that bench on the sidewalk with the view of the music store in front of them and the streetlights illuminating the avenue, Zenitsu extended his arm offering his dinner to the other man.

Uzui didn't hesitate to accept it and take a generous bite, it tasted like the most delicious Dorayaki he could have tasted and before he knew it he had finished eating the bread.

Checking the time, Zenitsu decided that being like this was nice if it wasn't for the cold and the fact that he didn't have dinner anymore.

"You're shaking, where's your scarf?"

"Oh... er... I don't have one."

Hmm..." Uzui didn't know what to reply, the bread wrapper still in his hands. "Sorry, I finished your bread."

"Okay, I wasn't hungry."

His stomach growled.

"I wasn't that hungry." He corrected himself.

He didn't have a scarf, possibly his dinner was over and even more so he was sure that that blonde would walk back home because he didn't have money for the bus, something in him made him feel bad about those details.

"Oi, Zenitsu, what do you want for dinner?" He stood up hiding the bread scraps in one of the pockets of his coat. "I think Suma made curry, sometimes the vegetables are a bit tough but she tastes delicious."

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