08. | ᴄᴀʀʀɪʟʟᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴅᴇ ᴠɪᴇɴᴛᴏ

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"Imagine us, the two of us. I think day and night about you and it's not bad just thinking about who you want to love and hug, being so happy together."

Day 1.

The albino bit his lower lip lightly when he checked his cell phone that morning and his message from the night before had not been answered.

The image of the kitten in the hat wishing good night was very funny, why didn't you reply to it? And if he had been online, exactly 6 hours ago.

"Is something wrong? You look constipated." Suma said drying her hair with her towel. "You can have some of my prune yogurt if you want."

Uzui changed from his mocking tone and looked at her with concern.

"Zenitsu didn't reply to my message."

"But don't worry, he's not dead." She said.

"How are you so sure?"

"Why do you give me guitar lessons and we didn't live yesterday at work." The raven resisted the urge to narrow her eyes.

Tengen leaned back on his pistachio colored sheets that for some reason Suma loved and began to write three more messages and sent him the video of a palm tree with sunglasses dancing to the rhythm of a mambo song.

"Not responding." I sigh before returning her smile. "Well, it doesn't matter I'll call her, sure if she answers."

"Calm Calm." She said, taking her boyfriend's cell phone between her fingers. I ignore the fact that she kept Zenitsu like along with many emojis. "Instead of bothering Zen-chan, why don't we both go out together? It's my break, the day is nice, let's go to the zoo. We haven't been in a while."

"Hmm I don't know, I have to finish that painting of the seagull." Uzui discreetly picked up her phone again. "That customer keeps bothering that I already delivered it."

"You have never cared when a client asks you for the time of your works, on the contrary, it amuses you to delay them."

"But still..."

"If you don't want to go out with me just say so." She puffed out both cheeks.

The older man always believed that this gesture was very cute and nice, so he dragged his latent anxiety to the bottom of his mind and sighed with a smile.

"Okay, but let's not go see the snakes. I'm still upset with Iguro."

"Because?" Suma never liked that boy, Obanai was too ortivo and cynical. He also didn't understand why Tengen insisted on being his friend.

"He told Zenitsu that he had the face of a squirrel."

Suma gave a small giggle. "You must admit that when she eats her cheeks swell up like a squirrel's, I'm sure she could store food in there."

His response was an annoyed look, she was surprised.

"In a lovely way." he added.

The albino seemed satisfied with that answer and went to look for his shoes.

Suma instead felt an unpleasant itch in the pit of her stomach.

Day 2.

He flipped through the channels on the TV without really being interested. A documentary about the donut making process, Steven Universe, and a trashy horror movie. He made a face determined not to look at his cell phone, Uzui is already being a bit crazy about it, multiple messages in his inbox and I couldn't see him online for half a second before being bombarded with questions and memes without context whose only objective It was to get his attention.

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