7. Taehyung's Treasured Tomatoes

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"But I have a problem."

Jungkook pressed his nose bridge and furrowed his brows as he added,

"Taehyung finishes his class by 2 p.m. I return home by 7 p.m. What is Y/N supposed to do then? Taehyung will go meet his aunt, so what then?"

He did have a point.

There was no one to 'look after me. Ugh, I'm such a burden!

"I see no problem in that," Taehyung remarked. "I can ask the principal to postpone the timings for the classes. She can come along with me at 7 a.m and maybe she will have her desk too. By 2 p.m, I should be done with my lectures and I can ask Sir to have the classes at 4 p.m. I will be at the University checking some stuff so we can hang out for a while and then by 6 the classes will end."

"Perfect!" Jimin cheered. He did care about me a lot.

"That sounds good but just be careful or Yejoon's assistant... He can be spying on y'all. Be careful."

"Don't worry Jungkook, I'll take care of her." Taehyung guaranteed.

Jimin and Taehyung slept there that night. Ready to start the next day with fun as well as caution.


Author POV

The bed was repositioned to the corner of the room, her shoes were chilling on her desk, one on her diary and the other on a pencil tip.

The cupboard wore her blanket whereas the shower wore her clothes. She hung it on the shower pole, forgetting there was a laundry bag in her room.

That laundry bag (which didn't remain one) was wrapped with wires and threads.

Bread crumbs fed the floor while some of it decorated the walls.


Let's not talk about her...

Her hair looked pretty similar to a bird's abandoned nest, her bathrobe which was pearl white turned brown. Like a lizard, she crawled across the floor just to find her hair clip under the bed.

It was 6.30 a.m and she wasn't ready yet. Nothing was in place, neither her nor the room.

It surely seemed she was robbed by burglars.

It was a mess! Taehyung could reach anytime and she still wasn't set to go. All her precious time was sacrificed to search for a hairclip.

Yeah yeah, she did have to look accepting on her first day of work.

Like a hypnotized cockroach, she swirled and whirled from corner to corner.


She was finally ready to go!

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