29. Brick By Brick

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"What?" Jimin shrugged as if it was the commonest thing man can do on earth.

"Wait, let me hear that again." Stupefied, I leaned in a bit with sharp ears to hear his words again.

"I would like some cheese in my latte, please...

Heard that now?"

"Who puts cheese in coffee???" I nearly gagged.

"I do."


"Ok girl, look... Coffee is sweet and cheese is savory-"

"Oh gosh, not this again!

Here, just take your cheesy coffee and continue washing the cups." I gave out the coffee mug in my hand.

"How's it going, guys?" The sun came to confirm the whereabouts of his stars.

"Oppa, Jimin has lost his mind!" I pointed at the perfectly relaxed person slurping the cheese off his coffee.

"Is that cream?" Hobi asked while minuting his eyes to get a clear picture of the drink.

"It's cheese." He sipped for the second time.


"Exactly!" I added to his disgusted look.

"I'll- just go...? Ugh, Jiminie pabo! Well, leave those things. Lisa will be coming here any moment with her sponsorship. Get ready guys!" Hobi alarmed the two and carried on.

They nodded their heads in response and tidied themselves so that the new dealer, Lisa wouldn't reject their deal just by looking at them.

Author POV

After about six months of hard work, all of them together made a strong corporation. It is marketed with all the concerts being held in the country.

Each of them had now settled in Thailand and we're finally able to loosen up on hearing their first proposal.


"Which file?" Irene raised a question buried under the huge heal of paperwork.

"Tha-ch won..."


"The boo covah-."

"The glue lover?" Irene was perplexed.

"First and foremost, take out the papers from your mouth!" She demanded.

"BLUE COVER." Jungkook clearly worded after he stopped clenching the pages with his teeth.

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