10. Endgame

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‘ 감탄 ‚

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‘ 감탄 ‚

Author POV

Jungkook dashed out at the speed of light and drove to the university.

He borrowed the security guard's phone as his got drained.

*On the phone*

JK- Taehyung, where are you right now?

Tae- In the badminton court, watching the match.

JK- Listen to me carefully. I want you to yank Y/N out of that place RIGHT NOW! I have sent you a text, meet us at that place.

Tae- Right now? But her match just started. What's the matter, Kook?

JK- Tae don't waste time, just drag her out! Lee Taeyong and Min Seyoung work under Yejoon.

Tae- What-


He looked around the open space in search of Y/N. His eyes finally landed on the innocent girl chit-chatting with her colleagues aka her future enemies.

Taehyung slithered his way towards Y/N and swiftly whispered,

"Y/N, stop the match, we need to go! Taeyong and Seyoung are Yejoon's undercover spies. Jungkook called me a few seconds ago and we need to leave now."

In utter shock, Y/N tried escaping by giving an excuse of stomach ache. Clasping her abdomen tight enough, she acted to throw up and ran the the washroom.

"I guess I ate a lot before the match... That's the reason I feel sick." She lied.

Hastily packing her belongings she hurried out of the premises.

Alternatively, Jungkook offered a lift to Jimin and Mr. Choi and they sped along the dreadful basement entries still processing the foretold facts.

Mr. Choi was definitely not ready to beleive that his son was a criminal but, seems like he is gonna get a shot of startle after he learns the truth.


All of them had gathered.

Y/N, Taehyung, Yejoon, Jimin, Mr. Choi, San, Yoongi, and Jungkook.

Yejoon had previously dialled Taeyong's number and asked them to reach there as soon as possible. The couple in utter astonishment dashed towards the address figuring out if they ever left a clue.

A gun pointed at San's head was more than enough to see Yejoon tremble in fear.

Of course, he couldn't see his best friend die! And that too right in front of his eyes.

He arrogantly explained the past, without any regret, recollecting each scene from that night 6 years ago. As words left his mouth, Jungkook clenched his hand shut so that he wouldn't throw involuntary punches.

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