8. The Past is in the Past ?

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Author POV


"Oppa... Do you have to go?"

"I'll be back soon. Wait for me~"

"But, how long? I can't live alone with eomma and appa. I'll miss you!!"

"Ahh Miyeon-ah, I'll finish my studies, inherit a good position, and come back as soon as I can. I promise."

Jungkook was leaving Seoul to study abroad and built his company on his own.

His younger sister, Miyeon, who loved him the most wasn't quite happy with his decision. Although she supported her brother, it was hard to let go~

At last, they bid goodbye at the airport.

"Bye Oppa, see you soon." She wept.

"Hey, don't cry. I promise I'll return soon. We can call each other every day, there's no problem with that."

Jungkook hugged her as tight as he could and gently wiped her tears.

One last goodbye and they went their ways...


It's been 3 months since Jungkook left.

As promised, they chatted every day. Miyeon narrated her entire day's story as Jungkook keenly heard them.

There was a sense of satisfaction since Miyeon kept mentioning her best friend, Hyejin. She listed all the activities they did jointly.

Both the girls were together 24/7. Hearing that, Jungkook was quite relieved. There was someone with her, to take care of.

Days, weeks, and months passed by.

There was not even a single day when the siblings didn't remember each other.

Finally, the time was near.

Their time to meet one another.

A week before Jungkook arrived in Seoul, he asked Miyeon for a checklist of all the things she and her friend, Hyejin would like from abroad.

She generously wrote down about 55 items saying it's the least she can ask for.

Being a 'very grateful' brother, Jungkook adhered.

The same night, it was one of Hyejin's colleague's birthdays.

She insisted Miyeon joined them too.

Being a girl who doesn't like to mix with people, it wasn't in her comfort zone to hang out in a club with different people.

Subsequently, she accepted Hyejin's request as she begged with her puppy eyes.

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