18. Antiromatic

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Author POV

"What do you mean!?" The lazy goat bleated, "I never spoke a word about her!"

"Oh come one Tae, YOU DID!!!" Jimin squealed in joy. He bounced around here and there like a bunny rabbit as his smile stretched like the horizon.

"I have told you a million times... I don't believe in love!" Taehyung tried hard to convince his overjoyed friend but rather failed.

"Hmm let's see that for ourselves." The smarty pants smirked and withdrew his phone from the pocket.

The recording played...

"So, Taehyung, you like Y/N, don't you?"

"Nooooo, I don't fall in love! It's all fake.


Except when she smiles at me...

I melt like ice cream, liquid and watery. Her smile attacks my heart and shreds it to pieces. Her argumentative conversations, I wish they'd go on and on...

When she speaks about fairytales, I would like to make them true, be the Prince Charming to her Rapunzel."

"Prince Charming was with Cinderella and Rapunzel is an entirely different story!"

"How does that matter? I'll be the butter to her toast, the spoon to her soup, nail paint to her nails, sugar to her coffee, bull to her cow..."

"What the- Yeah you aren't in your senses for sure."

The guy, all stout and confident a few minutes ago was now questioning his sanity.

"H-how that did I say what? I mean... Whe- ho- who-?"

He continued stammering or should I say speaking in Shakespeare's language for a good thirty seconds.

"That's enough, shut your mouth, or I'll release a fly in there.

I have PROOF, you are in looooove!!!"

Jimin, out of nowhere began ball dancing with Taehyung, swirling and twirling on his tippy toes.

Whereas Taehyung, unwanted, had thoughts about what Jimin had just stated.

Can he be in love?

True that she has helped him the most, emotionally, so... There may be a sense of compassion?

*knock knock*

"Umm guys, I just got a call from Jungkook saying that he will probably be late as he has to meet someone and he said that he will pick up Chaeyoung on the way."

"Oh okay sounds good, Y/N. What have you been doing upstairs?" Jimin pondered.

"Just arranging Jungkook's stuff... Very messy guy indeed."

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