Chapter one

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Like always Sam had woken up early to go for a run, at first it was a way from him to keep his head clear back when his wall had been broken. Now a days he was so used to that he did everyday, plus it was quite refreshing. So after running for about forty minutes he came back to the bunker all sweaty.

Everyone else was still asleep so he decided to have a little fun and wake up his wife.
"Good morning beautiful." he said giving her a kiss. She woke up annoyed but kissed him back.
"It certainly is now that you're back, I missed you," she told him. "How was the trail?" She sat up and rested against his shoulder, after the whole incident two years back she didn't like being away from him. Sam didn't mind so much since he was equally as clingy, hoping to make her forget the incident ever happened.
"Same as always by the way how long have you been up?" he asked.
"Well I woke up briefly when you left the bed, then managed to go back to sleep about ten minutes ago." Kristina responded.

Sam made a face since he thought he had been so quiet.
"No fair I was so quiet," he complained. His wife said that she had great ears and nothing got past her without waking her. "Yeah I know by the way that is my shirt."
"Its comfy," Kristina responded. She wasn't at all sorry about grabbing one of his shirts and sleeping in it. "Besides what are you going to do about it?" She challenged.
"I didn't say I didn't like it," he responded. "But I will do this." He gave her another kiss causing her to giggle. She playfully slapped him before giving into his charms.

"No stop I have to get dressed so I can go out for my run." Kristina told him.
"It can wait sweetie, besides you have to eat first." Sam reminded his wife. Their tender moment was interrupted by Dean knocking on the door.
"What are you two doing in there?" He asked.
"Go away." Kristina said to her brother in law. Sam laughed at the scene since he knew his brother wasn't going to leave until they came out.
"You know he's not going to leave until we come out." Sam said.
"Well he will have to wait out there forever, because I'm not going out without getting dressed." Kristina joked.

Dean said that he heard that and Sam told him to either sit down or shut up. Kristina made sure to take her time while getting ready which was unusual for her. But it was worth it to hear Dean complaining about having to wait. Eventually he walked away due to him wanting to go back to bed, and it was only then that the couple came out.
"Wow you actually got him to leave, how did you do that?" Sam asked.
"I have two younger siblings at home, so as the oldest I know we hate waiting on them," Kristina answered. "And since Dean is basically my big brother, I will treat him like any younger sibling would."

"By annoying him or admiring him?" Sam asked with a smile.
"Can't I do both?" Kristina asked. "It's more fun." Sam said that maybe he should send the both of them on a hunt together, to see what happened. Kristina told her husband that she had already been on a hunt with Dean and she ended up in prison with him.
"He saved me though." She commented.
"Yeah he does that." Sam answered.
"He also pissed me off when he did," Kristina added in. Sam said he did that as well since he knew all about being saved by Dean. "But I will take your idea into consideration, I think the two of us need some bonding time."

"Or the two of you would kill each other on it," Sam joked. Kristina gave him her bitch face but he was used to it so he wasn't phased. "You know its true Kristina, but enough jokes for the morning, I should get Mary up."
"You do that I'll make breakfast, unless Dean already has." She gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking down the stairs. Sam smiled briefly before opening his daughter's room, it was still dark and it was a mess. Thankfully though he didn't trip on anything which was a relief.

"Time to get up baby girl." he said turning the lights on.
"Dad I'm old enough to wake up myself," she responded before yawning. "What time is it?"
"About seven what were you doing until past eleven this time?" Sam asked. Mary blushed in embarrassment and claimed she was reading. "Nice try I know you were up researching different things in the lore."
"How did you know?" She asked hiding a large book behind her white stuffed seal lion.
"I was a teenager once to and unfortunately Snowy isn't big enough to hide the book in your bed." Sam answered.

"Okay you got me," Mary said giving in. "I'll get ready, just give me five minutes." She laid back in her bed and hugged Snowy close.
"Mary is something going on with you?" Sam asked. While he knew that his daughter loved the toy her mother gave her as a baby, she only slept with it if she was scared.
"No I'm okay just couldn't get comfortable last night," Mary lied. "I'm sure that tonight I will sleep much better."

"Alright but no late night reading," Sam responded taking the large book. "These are not designed to put you to sleep, and remember that you can always talk to me."
"I know Dad," Mary responded. "I'm just tired that's all, I'll be okay," she told him. "Now what's Mom making for breakfast? I hope it's pancakes." Sam was still worried that his daughter was hiding something or maybe had seen something. She sometimes was prone to visions while she slept which he often blamed himself for. He couldn't stop them since he no longer had them, and she had to suffer through them. But he didn't want to ruin her good mood, she had been a little sad lately and seeing happy was an improvement.

"Alright come on honey." Sam said to her. Mary hugged him tightly and said that she loved him very much.
"Thanks daddy I love you."

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