Chapter eight

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Kristina was seconds away from falling into a deep until she felt someone touching her arm. "Sam no five more minutes, I need more than four hours and so do you." Kristina said sleepily. She pulled the pillow over her head even as the tapping continued.
"Please wake up, I can't let you fall asleep," a voice said. Her eyes widened recognizing the child-like voice and bolted awake, standing by her bed was a young boy with brunette hair and gray eyes. "I'm so glad I was able to save you." The boy said.

"Who are you?" Kristina asked backing away only to hit the wall.
"I don't have a name yet," the boy answered. "But I promise that I won't hurt you." He held up his hands and Kristina looked closer at the boy. She recognized his face as the baby she had seen earlier, but it was impossible, how could he have aged so fast and gotten here?
"This is impossible, how could you be here?" Kristina asked. She tried to pinch herself thinking she was dreaming but the boy stopped her.
"I'm actually not I used my powers to talk to you, there is an evil lady trying to get you" the boy explained. "She calls herself Eliza and I heard that she wanted to hurt you," he continued. "So I've been trying to keep you and daddy from falling under her spell,"

A ton of emotions hit her at once after hearing the name Eliza. It downplayed her confusion at hearing the boy refer to her husband as daddy. Kristina recognized the name Eliza as her former roommate and friend. She made fists with her hands remembering all the emotional abuse Eliza had put her through. "Mommy?" The boy asked.
"Why did you call me that?" Kristina asked instead of answering. The boy smiled and said that because she had showed him kindness, he chose her to be his mother.
"I love you," the boy said trying to hug her but couldn't because he was an astral projection. He got upset and Kristina couldn't resist the urge to comfort him, she gestured for him to come closer and he smiled sitting right next to her. "Thank you mommy."

"Tell me more about Eliza sweetie," Kristina said gently pressing her hand on his head. She expected it to go right through him, but it didn't and she felt the top of a baby's head covered by with tiny strands if hair. The boy told her everything he knew and Kristina gasped after hearing how long Eliza had been watching her. She also became concerned when she learned that this trap was meant to draw in Shela as well, meaning Eliza was planning to kill them both by forcing them to become pregnant. Now all those women dying in unexpected child birth made sense her, Eliza did all that to get her attention. She became incredibly silent and the boy tapped her arm once again. "I'm sorry I just haven't heard that name in a long time," Kristina answered. "We have a history, its something I don't really want to talk about with a kid."

"We should leave before she makes her move," the boy said. "Once Daddy gets back with sissy, I don't want you guys to get hurt." Kristina admired that the boy was so sweet, if he really was trying to help she would adopt him without a second thought. But she had to discuss that with Sam, since it had to be something they both wanted.
"We can't let her hurt anyone else so we have to stop her, I just don't know how." Kristina said. Before she could say more the door to the guest room opened and Emma stepped inside, the boy vanished seemingly to hide. Kristina was about to call back for him but she quickly realized that something was wrong with her friend. Her abilities had been on the fritz since she got back from talking to Dawn's house. She chalked it off as it being a side effect of recovering from the spell.

"Emma?" She asked.
"Not so much," Emma answered. Her voice changed and so did her appearance, taking the form of the familiar blonde that Kristina wished she could forget. "Hey girl I've missed you," Eliza said. Kristina stood up to face her but Eliza forced her to stay put with her powers. She was forced to lay down on the bed and Eliza walked around her. The disguised demon sat down on a nearby chair and placed her fingers together. "Now is that anyway to treat an old friend? I planned this whole thing just to see you again." Kristina struggled against her grip and gave Eliza a hard glare.
"What have you done with Emma!?" She demanded. Eliza rolled her eyes and said that the real Emma was completely fine, she was just out of town with her family.

"Don't worry I sent that firey red head out of town a week ago, took your form and told her that there was a poltergeist in town," Eliza explained. "I was lucky that you talked nonstop about her, pretending to be her was easy, all I had to do was block your abilities," she continued. Eliza gently stroked the arm of the chair and kept her former friend stuck on the bed, claiming that she wanted to wait on some guests. On cue Sam kicked down the door and Mary was close behind him. "Well well Sam Winchester so good to finally meet you."
"Who the hell are you?" Sam asked pointing a gun at her.
"That's Eliza someone I thought had cast out long ago," Kristina explained. "She's been posing as Emma this whole time."

"Ugh well there goes my big reveal," Eliza complained. Her plan to take them down hadn't worked out so she needed to improvise. If she got them under her influence once again and find out what stopped her, she could get them to fall into a trap. "I've heard a lot of things about you Sammy, she talked so much about you it was annoying," she continued. "But I'm afraid this conversation is adults only." She pushed Mary out there with her demonic powers and closed the door.
"No!" Mary exclaimed rushing to open the door to save her parents. Only by the the time she did they had both vanished along with Eliza. "Mom, Dad!?"

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