Gold and Diamond

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"Just who do you think you are?!" Noelle steps between Yuno and the Golden Dawn member with the glasses "don't you realize you are in the present of royalty!"

"A royal who would mingle with both a commoner and a curse?" the man sneers "hardly a royal at all."

Asta hisses violently and raises a paw.

"Stand down Asta," Yuno shouts voice firm and unwavering, this is a battle he can handle on his own.

"Oh dear Noelle," the other member of the Dawn speaks. She's a girl with beautiful orange hair and innocent eyes that watch the curse in fright.

 "I've heard the Black Bulls can be a rather unrefined squad at times but I'd never imagine they'd harbor a devil."

"Asta is not a devil!" Noelle shouts and both Yuno and his brother look at the girl in surprise "he and Yuno are my friends and I don't particularly enjoy them being unjustly attacked!"

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean any offense," the girl places a hand over her mouth "I just assumed that.."

"Don't assume," Noelle snaps "these two were hand selected by the Wizard King himself so show some respect!"

The other girl bows her head "I'm very sorry."

"Do not apologize Mimosa," the youngers superior pushes his glasses up "these two are of inferior stock."

'Inferior stock.'

Asta clicks his teeth together.

"Asta," Yuno hisses "don't."

His brother lowers his head, a deep and guttural growl spilling into the air and blanketing Yuno's nerves in tension.

The man with glasses looks to the curse in disgust before addressing Noelle.

"I was informed that there would be three of you, don't tell me the curse counts as a member."

"Our superior has gone ahead to scope out the dungeon." Yuno thinks quick on his feet.

Noelle crosses her arms "though Asta is a member."

The curse shuffles and Yuno catches a brief glimpse of delight cross his face before swiftly switching back to a snarl.

"I don't think I've ever seen you so passionate Noelle!" The other girl smiles sweetly "they must have really impressed you!"

"Don't praise them Mimosa!"

For the first time Yuno registers that this girl has been addressing Noelle by her first name and that there is a burning look in the water mages eyes. Seems these two share a history.

Noelle flicks her hair "I don't care why you're here but this dungeon belongs to the Black Bulls we will be the ones to clear it."

"How dare you," the man stands tall "the Black Bulls don't even deserve the title of magic knights to begin with, and you would dare level yourself with the elite Golden Dawn."

"Klaus sir," The girl- Mimosa interrupts "we were sent here to assist each other not to compete."

"The Golden Dawn do not need assistance from the likes of them." He turns away "come now Mimosa lets show them what a true magic knight squad can do."

Mimosa looks after her superior-hesitating and glancing back at the Bulls, she steps towards them but stops when Asta dips his head and snarls. The young girl looks up fearfully at the spirit before twisting on her heels and running off towards the silver haired man.

"Geez what a bunch of jerks," Noelle huffs.

Yuno tilts his head towards her "really? They kinda reminded me of you."

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