Mirror of Snow

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There were many ways Yuno expected the days following the attack on the capital to go. He'd figured that captain Yami would want them all to train harder and push past their limits so when they faced the Eye of The Midnight Sun again they'd be better prepared. Or maybe they'd be sending out patrols to find the remaining magic stones before the opposing group could. Hell maybe even have a field of mages study what the magic stones even were.

What he was not expecting was to end up in a mixer.

More over he was not expecting to be enjoying himself at said mixer.

Finral the ever girl crazed man that he was, decided that to unwind from the recent attack it would be a good idea to take himself, Yuno and Luck out for night with the ladies. Yuno hadn't wanted to go, he had no interest in dating and even if he did women were not his type.

The woman he had been paired with: Rebecca, however was quite nice. Although stand offish at first she had opened up after a little while when they began to exchange stories about their respective siblings.

Yuno had to admit she was pretty, with fair hair that ranged from shades of pink to red and delicate freckles that decorated her cheeks. Though she still wasn't Yuno's type, no matter how pretty she was he just wasn't attracted to her.

The night had ended in a rush when a drunk had come up to their table and had begun to harass Rebecca.

Yuno promptly sent him flying with his wind magic.

Unfortunately the large man had come crashing down on the table opposite of them and shattered it in two.

Yuno grimaced he really didn't want to have to pay for that property damage.

Luckily for him Rebecca had swiftly grabbed him by the hand and spurred him to run.

The next thing he knew the two of them were hiding in an alleyway, huffing for breath and fighting off laughter.

Yuno feels terrible when Rebecca timidly asks him if he'd be willing to pursue a relationship. 

He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck and has to explain that he had been dragged to the mixer with his friends who were not aware of his sexuality and he apologizes for potentially leading her on.

Again luckily for him Rebecca finds his situation hilarious and expresses that she is more than happy to remain friends with him and even invites him to come play with her siblings some time.

And he agrees.


Asta so desperately wants to play with the children.

Yuno can feel him jittering and pacing around the small group, every once and awhile letting out a low whine. It was the same way back in Hage, the demon always wanted to play with their siblings but they were all to afraid of him to let him come near.

Despite how guilty he feels Yuno knows that small children and cursed spirits do not mix so he keeps Asta on a tight rope.

He only feels worse over the fact that Bell is openly enjoying herself. Lavishing as a few of the little girls make her hair and clothing accessories with flowers and paper.

She's making Asta jealous and Yuno feels absolutely horrible for the perceived favoritism.

He hated how differently he had to treat Asta and Bell.

Bell could be out all the time, she was a symbol of strength to those around him and seen as a great honor that he was chosen to fight alongside her. 

While Asta...

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