Prologue and I

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See "Star and Marco vs Evil" for all three books in one volume plus prologue and updates.

From a single hand, a beam of magic, with a ball the size of a cannonball on its end, lashed out, catching a slowly rising Marco square in the chest and flinging him back. The impact from the ball was devastating enough to his already damaged sternum, but it continued pushing him until he contacted the wall, the back of his head smashing into the stone, causing a fourth concussion. His skull fracture not yet healed, the impact separated the bone plate into two pieces. Bob dissipated the ram and, the magic released, an unconscious Marco fell bonelessly to the floor, on top of the wond; blood dripped from the back of his head and out the ear that was turned toward the ground.

— OoOoO — O — OoOoO —

Gasping, Star was terrified as she was then helplessly ensnared by a Raspberry Ribbon Lasso studded with hooks, the same spell she had used against Hekapoo. As Star had done to Hekapoo, Bob proceeded to slam Star into the wall and floor. Pushing Star away to the end of the length of the lasso, Bob then spun Star like a hammer in the hammer throw, until she inflicted a blow to Star's head from hitting one of the still-standing busts. Bob released the lasso and Star fell to the floor, blood dripping from far too many wounds.

— OoOoO — O — OoOoO —

"I have prevented the destruction of this Mewni, and countless others that would have come after. You see, I didn't come here to stop you, I know I can't; I came here to distract you."

Bob was caught by surprise, but her years of experience had honed her senses. Thanks to Star's mistake of an unintended warning, Bob sensed the attack from behind just before it struck home. She began to turn, saving her life, as a blade, which was about to be plunged through her heart, missed both heart and spine, running through to the right of her backbone.

An enraged female voice echoed off the wall, yelling, "Bitch!" as the flaming broadsword erupted from Bob's chest.

— OoOoO — O — OoOoO —

Even though the wound was cauterized, Bob knew it was likely still fatal, having watched Red Star die from the same type of wound. Already weakening, Bob opened a dimensional portal beneath her feet, despite the tramorfidian crystal, and disappeared.

— OoOoO — O — OoOoO —

Janna dipped down hard and, grunting as she waved all six hands and her tail, opened a dimensional portal beneath Star and Marco. They fell through, directly into the Butterfly Castle emergency ward, followed by Janna, the portal closing behind her.

— OoOoO — O — OoOoO —

Angie took Eclipsa's hands. Her eyes swimming with tears, she said, "Granny Eclipsa, it's not good. Star and Marco were attacked and beaten badly." Angie indicated Janna with a sweep of her hand; Eclipsa felt a chill from seeing the normally stoic Janna in such distress. "Janna portaled them directly into the emergency ward. We don't know what actually happened; the strain of what Janna did knocked her senseless, and she's been hysterical ever since she started to recover."

Angie paused to collect herself; Rafael, who had been speaking with Buff Frog, joined her, putting an arm around her to provide strength and comfort. "There were still some Earth doctors here training the royal physicians, and they managed to stabilize the kids, then moved them here into intensive care. But ... they have severe head trauma and probably damage to their brains." Tears began to fall. "On Earth there would be no hope. There's some hope here, that Moon's healing magic will fix them, but even Moon is pessimistic; that's why she sent Manfred to collect all of us. We're out here to allow Moon to concentrate but ... she said to be ready to come in quickly to say our good-byes."

Star and Marco vs Evil Book 3Where stories live. Discover now