It's not up to you, It's not up to me

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The day was slow. Because of course luck isn't on his side when all he needs is a distraction from the fact that his parents are in town. He would even have said the Q-word if he wasn't certain the rest of the crew would murder him for it. It was tempting, because if he's dead, he doesn't have to deal with his parents.

He drops on the couch next to Buck, sighing.

"What's on your mind?" says Buck, not looking away from the screen where he was playing Mario Kart against Chimney. He was in the lead and Chimney was swearing up a storm under his breath. "You have been all up in that head of yours since you got here. Is everything ok?"

And Eddie's chest ached with fondness. Of course Buck noticed, Buck knows him better than anyone on this earth.

So Eddie sighed and told him. "My parents are in town for a surprise visit."

Eddie felt Buck tense from the place their shoulders touched and he watched as Buck's character veered off the road, making Chimney whoop.

"Oh?" Said Buck and Eddie thought his voice seemed a little strange. "When did they drop by?"

"Not exactly sure but they went by the house while Carla was there." Eddie grumbled. "They didn't give me a warning. Carla had to deal with them on her own for more than an hour before I got home. They even had the guts to call her incompetent. Carla! Can you believe that?"

"Yeah." Said Buck, and confused by the tone, Eddie turned to look at him. He was oddly quiet today. Eddie ran his eyes all over, trying to figure out if he could see anything that looked off.

"Hey, you okay?" Said Eddie and Buck smiled at him. But it wasn't his usual smile and Eddie couldn't help but notice that it didn't reach his eyes.

"I'm fine." Said Buck, obviously trying to fake a cheery tone. "Why wouldn't I be?"

But Eddie prides himself on knowing Buck. He knows every facial expression, every smile. He can tell when he's frustrated or angry by looking and he knows what he loves and hates. And right now? The tension radiating from Buck was thick enough to cut with a knife. Eddie just didn't know why .

He knows that Buck will talk to him about it when he is ready to though, so he doesn't push. He just eyes Buck skeptically to let him know he doesn't believe him.

Buck gets up from the couch, stretching. "Imma go get us some snacks."

As he watches Buck beeline towards the kitchen, Eddie thinks "well, that was weird."


Buck was still acting kinda off for the rest of the shift. He barely spoke to anyone, and it was highly noticeable. Eddie could see the rest of the crew giving him worried looks. Eddie watches as brief expressions pass over his face, none of them good.

Buck looks like something is bothering him and Eddie can't help because he isn't talking.

But Eddie knows the best remedy for that, so when they were changing into their street clothes, he invited Buck to spend the afternoon with him and Chris, sleep off the 24 hour shift  and stay for a movie and junk food night.

Buck laughed awkwardly. "Uh sorry man. But I already have plans. Raincheck?"

Eddie was confused. Did Buck mention he had plans for tonight before? He tried wrecking his brain for a memory of that before shaking his head.

Buck doesn't have to tell you about every single plan, he told himself. His life doesn't revolve around you.

The last thought hurt, but it was true, so Eddie swallowed his emotions and said. "Sure."

I don't need your games (game over) - A Buddie storyWhere stories live. Discover now