In which Eddie's parents fucked around and didn't like what they found

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"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Said Carla the moment she opened the door. She took out her phone, sending a quick text before closing the door behind her.

"You have a lot of nerve, showing your sorry asses back up here after what you did." Said Carla, glaring at the two people on Eddie's porch. Helena and Ramon didn't even have the decency to look sheepish. "Do restraining orders mean nothing to you? I heard Isabel kicked you out. Wish I could say I'm sorry, but I'm really not."

Helena and Ramon's jaws tightened. Carla could swear she saw Ramon's tick. Good.

"We're here for our grandson." Said Ramon.

"Oh yeah," said Carla.  "I definitely got that. You literally have no shame. It has literally only been a week since you pulled that shit. And you already made it clear what you think. You're not going near Chris. Not unless you try to fix your relationship with Eddie-"

"I don't think you get it, woman."  Helen cut through, "We're here for our grandson. We're taking him back to El Paso and away from Edmundo before he can fill his head with any more wrong ideas. So move!"

Carla's face hardened. "No can do, sugar."

Helena glared at her. "Now listen here-"

"No, you listen." Said Carla. "I tried to be polite to you, but you just don't seem to get the point through your thick skulls. You aren't taking Chris anywhere. His family here will fight for him every step of the way. His family in El Paso will too, as I'm sure you know by now. Eddie introduced me to Sophia and Adrianna last time they were here. Lovely bunch of kids you have. Don't know where they get it, because it's definitely not you."

"How dare-"

"I'm not finished." Said Carla, and Helena's jaw clicked shut. "Heard they cut you out of their and their kids' lives as well,by the way. And, honestly? Good for them. I wouldn't want you around my kids with the way you are either."

"You don't-"

"Still not finished. You will get it through your homophobic, ableist head that Christopher is happy and well cared for. He has two loving dads who are doing a better job than a thousand of you two. Everyone except you two sees it."

"A boy needs a father and mother."

"Oh really? Sadly, that didn't seem to work out so good with you two and your kids. Guess heterosexuality doesn't make you the perfect parents. Who knew?" Carla rolled her eyes. Helena and Ramon were clenching their jaws so hard Carla was sure they'd crack a couple of teeth if they continued that way. 

"And as far as I know, you two," said Carla, pointing at them accusingly. "gave Shannon Diaz shit as well."

"That woman wasn't equipped to be a mother."

"Oh please," said Carla. "You are just making excuses to take Chris. It's obvious in everything that you do. Shannon was a good mother. You just never supported her when she needed it most. Everybody has a limit."

"You don't get to talk about family matters."

Said Ramon. "May I remind you that you get paid to be here?"

"I'd do it for free, and be happy to do so." Said Carla, shrugging. "Chris is a delight to work with and both Buck and Eddie are good friends of mine. They're practically family." Carla watches as their faces harden even more - is it possible for marble to harden more?- at the mention of Buck and she glares at them.

"You listen here." She says, voice low. "Evan Buckley is dear to a lot of people. He's the kindest soul I have ever met and he loves Chris with all his heart, and that boy loves him right back.  Buck went through a lot of shit and he and Chris went through a tsunami together. You need to back the fuck off and let this family be. If you come for him, you'll have to go through me and a whole lot of others. And believe me, you don't want to try me. I know people and I will bury you. Understand?"

"Are you threatening us?!" Said Helena, a look of outrage on her face.

"My answer for that, Mrs Diaz, is fuck around and find out."

The look of pure disgust and surprise on both their faces was the funniest thing Carla had seen in a while.

All that's left is for you to clutch your pearls , thought Carla.

"Don't try to mess with Chris, Eddie or Buck."

"Buckley lost our grandson in the tsunami." Said Ramo. And look, Carla isn't a violent woman, okay? It's just not in her nature.

But in that moment, she wanted to strangle the shit out of Mr Diaz.

"I'd love to see you try and hold onto Christopher while trying to swim for the both of you in the midst of a freaking tsunami with one arm." She said, coldly. "Because Buck managed it somehow. In case you didn't get your facts right, the receding water shook the truck they were on - the one Buck got them on along with several others - and Christopher fell off. And Buck jumped right after him and then searched for him for hours on end. You don't get to talk about Evan Buckley."

Her phone pinged just then, and she looked at the message, smiling in satisfaction.

"I suggest you leave, Mr and Mrs Diaz. Before you get yourself into anymore trouble."

"Wha-" Mr Diaz didn't even get to finish the sentence before a police cruiser rounded the corner.

"Oh, that must be Athena." Said Carla, smiling brightly. "I was getting tired of looking at you. Hopefully we won't see each other for a very long time. Preferably never."

The cruiser pulled up in front of the house and Athena came out, aviators on.

"Hey Carla." She greeted and Carla smiled at her, getting a shark-like grin back.

"Hey Sargent Grant."

Athena walked up to the Diazes, cuffs already on hand.

"Ramon and Helena Diaz, you are now under arrest for violating a restraining order."

Carla watched with satisfaction as Athena read them their rights before leading them to the back of the cruiser and driving away.

Once the car went out of sight, Carla shut the door and went back to where Christopher was doing his homework in the kitchen.

Chris looked up from his papers. "Who was at the door?"

"Oh, it wasn't anyone important. Are you almost done? Buck and Eddie will be home soon. Maybe you can help me cook something to surprise them?"  And congratulate them on the win.

"Yes!" Said Chris. "I just need to get this one done. What are we making?"

"I was thinking chicken and rice? Maybe mashed potatoes?"

"That sounds good."

Carla ruffled Chris's hair and went to get the ingredients ready.

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