Chapter Three: Guidence

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"Come on, buddy. We're almost there." The little droid chirped as it tried to keep up with Martus, the climb up the hill's rough terrain was hard for the little droid. "BD-4, is it? Nice to know your name, or at least what counts as one. And to your comment, you'll have to get used to the terrain if you're to live here with me." BD gave a sarcastic sounding beep before it reached the top of the hill, meeting its master at a clearing that overlooked the sandy beaches below. Martus then sat down on a nice flat stone, BD slowly came and joined him in looking out the breath-taking scenery. "It's quiet up here," Martus said almost in a whisper. "My mind is at ease when I'm here." BD answered in chirps and beeps on its views of the scenery, which Martus just laughed. "Well, to a droid, I guess this view wouldn't mean much to you. But to us organic beings: no sound but the gentle waves crashing on the beach is soothing." The two just stared off as they watched the waves, the crystal blue waves splashing up on the almost white sand. Martus closed his eyes as he listened, letting the sounds relax his body and loss touch with reality. A voice called to him, and Martus found himself in another memory. This one is much clearer than the last, clearly seeing a young, blonde-haired boy sitting on a cushion, his eyes closed and face expressionless. "Breathe, Idonos. Tell me what you feel," Martus instructed the child, the boy exhaled and his body posture relaxed. "I feel you, master. Calm and collected; focused." "Good," Martus praised, "keep going. Reach out farther." "I feel others: all the Jedi in the temple, and-" Idonos began, but then went silent. "What is it, padawan?" "I feel...cold," Idonos admitted, "darkness. Hate." Martus knelt down in front of his padawan, "That's enough, Idonos. You can stop." The child's breathing was shaky as he opened his eyes, showing the fear that the boy was growing inside of himself. "What did I sense, master?" Martus closed his eyes to focus, but opened them just as quick. "I don't know, Idonos, but my vision is only clouded." "Was this the dark side?" "Perhaps, my padawan." "I didn't like it," the boy cried as he fell into Martus' arms, "I'm scared." "Don't worry, Idonos." Martus comforted his padawan as he held him, "I won't let it harm you, I swear." The memory began to fade, Martus was pulled from his memories as the Force reached out to him. Whispers echoed in his head, none understandable at their current volume, but they felt scared. He then found himself in a dark room, flickering lights surrounded the room as he surveyed his whereabouts. Then, a red blade ignited across the room, illuminating a hooded stranger, all dressed in black. "Your kind is dead," the hooded man growled, "and it's time you join them, Jedi!" The man lunged at Martus, who ignited his saber just before the stranger's made contact. The two lightsabers locked in place as each warrior pushed back, then followed by slashes and blocks by each side, the clash of blue and red light danced around the room. "Whether the Jedi are really gone or not," Martus strained as he held his attacker back, "I will not give in. I will not die!" "Your time will come," the warrior stated, "it's only a matter of time now." Martus noticed the hum as a second red blade ignited, the attacker's off-hand saber thrust into his chest. Martus was pulled out suddenly, finding himself on all fours on the grass, still shaking. A trilling noise came from his right, which startled Martus until he realized it to be BD-4. "I...felt the cold, BD. I felt the Dark Side of the Force."

Once, Martus could have just shrugged it off, but twice couldn't be ignored. It was the Dark Side, Martus told himself as he paced backed and forth. BD watched from the rock that its master received his vision only minutes ago, noticing the worry that grew inside Martus. But what does this mean?! Am I being corrupted, or is a Sith looking for me? It didn't make sense to him, as he thought all the Sith were eradicated in the Clone Wars. Martus was pulled from his thoughts as something grabbed his leg, finding BD trying to gain his attention. "I'm ok, BD. Just...troubled." The droid didn't seem satisfied, trilling as if trying to comfort him. He patted the droid, "Thanks, BD. That helped, but I need answers." Martus didn't move for a good ten seconds before he stood back up, motioning BD-4 to follow him. "Come on, BD. Let's go see a friend of mine." Martus and BD-4 trekked through into the deeper part of the wilderness that made up the Northern part of Galtomas, which most residents stood clear of because of the rumors. The lighting began to darken, the trees close enough together to prevent most sunlight from making it to light Martus' way. "Be careful here, BD," Martus advised his droid companion, who just chirped in response. It wasn't long before the two of them reached a clearing, golden light flooded down in a break in the trees. The quiet and serenity gave off a calming presence, Martus taking the clean air as his mind relaxed. Martus noticed BD-4 fidgeting a bit, "Ok, just calm down. He doesn't care much for strangers, so-" Martus cut himself off as he pulled BD off the ground and through the air, catching the droid as he looked back at the now still vine. He held BD up to look at, "You ok?" A few chirps satisfied Martus enough, setting the droid down before looking around. "Zeako! I know that was you. BD is with me, he's good." A good few seconds of gentle breeze before Martus sensed movement from a perch above, and a familiar presence. A large wolf creature stood just out of the surrounding trees, its greenish fur blending in with the forest, while its yellow eyes popped out and watched the Jedi. A voice then seemingly echoed from everywhere, "You know I dislike machines, Deroris." "Ah, using first names. Am I in trouble?" Martus chuckled, studying the loth-wolf's body language as he pondered the question. "No..., you're fine, Martus. If you trust that thing," Zeako grumbled as BD hid behind Martus' legs, "then it can stay." Zeako leapt down feet away with a thud, his eyes piercing, "So, why did you come here?" "I...felt something. A darkness. A disturbance that I felt in the Force this morning, during my meditation." Zeako began pacing, his face looked disturbed. "I felt the same thing; the Dark Side reaching out here." Martus held his hand to his face as he grew a look of worry, "I was afraid that was true. I also heard a voice, then today, a vision. It felt so real." "You have felt this multiple times?" Martus just nodded, the loth-wolf stopped before he turned to Martus. "The Force grows restless, and we've both felt it. Though you were careful in your use of the Force, the Light and Dark are connected. It found its way here." Martus was now the one pacing, BD coward a bit as Zeako gave a low growl, before Martus spoke again. "Did... Am I to blame for this?" "No. The Dark Side and all that live in it would have eventually come here." Zeako turned away and began to make his way back into the woods, but stopped. "The Force will guide you, my friend. Whether to hide or fight, only it will know." Martus took in the wise loth-wolf's words as Zeako disappeared into the forest, leaving him to contemplate his next move.

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