📖 break 📖

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nini can't help but be both excited and frustrated for the day ahead.

wednesday's were typically one of her favorite days of the week, ashlyn had told their group chat she had exciting news she wanted to share at lunch, and well- wednesdays after school she had peer tutoring.

maybe that was a silly thing to be excited about, but nini really liked being a tutor. she'd started doing it on a teacher's recommendation and suggestion it would be beneficial for her college applications, but really she's come to love the experience.

being in the leadership room, surrounded by people who were either curious enough to ask for help, or desperate enough to need it pushed upon them, nini felt like she had a purpose.

because while there was the occasional student who'd want her to do their homework for them, nini's usually really able to help her peers master their lessons, especially if they come more than once. master's a strong word, but they all at least leave with a far better understanding of their work than they came in with.

and to nini salazar-roberts that was something to be proud of.

what she definitely was not proud of was the fact she was at school earlier than usual today to go to her first ever detention.

what would be her only ever detention if she had her way.

she'd already talked to her counselor and gotten it wiped off her record due to her previously perfect behavior, explaining that it was a misunderstanding, but she was told she still had to go. evidently it would be too much of a mess to get her off the list for this week for... whatever reason.

she's not sure what detention's like, but her counselor did say she could use it like a study hall type situation. nini wouldn't mind a quiet room to study in for that hour before the first warning bell. maybe detention, without its threat to her flawless transcript, wouldn't be so bad.

except as she checks in with mr. mazarra, the science teacher who always tends to run detention, he seems incredibly concerned about the fact she was there, exclaiming there must have been some sort of mistake. he almost sent her away, but after she'd explained her predicament, and the fact she didn't have anywhere else to be until the library opens, he let her stay, telling her she could sit wherever she wanted.

perks of being one of his best students she supposes.

but as nini glances around the still very empty room (it turns out a lot of people were late to detention), she decides to sit in the front, presuming she'd be left alone more there.

except when she pulls out her copy of romeo and juliet, along with the questions they'd been assigned to take more notes, after only around fifteen minutes there's a knock on the now shut door.

she looks up, along with basically everyone else, mr. mazarra looking skeptically at the door, before he just gets up and opens it, the student standing just out of view to the others due to the doorframe in the way.

"richard bowen. what a delight." mazarra remarks. "i don't think you're on my list today. though if you were you'd be late..."

even without their teacher's identification, nini would've been able to pick him out from the responder's voice immediately.

"i've been keeping out of trouble more sir. though i'd hate to think you miss me."

nini can almost hear the smirk on his lips from his sarcastic tone, but given he evidently has no detention... she's very confused why he'd be coming in this early.

"hardly. but if you're not supposed to be here, i'm going to have to ask you to leave." mazarra looks about ready to shut the door on him again, but ricky steps forward into clear view of the class, nini included.

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