📖 mutiny (part 2) 📖

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{author's note: this is literally almost 6500 words. you're welcome. also sorry for the wait- it's been a rough few weeks <3 }

{warning for underage drinking, and also things do get a bit hot but nothing taking it into mature territory.}


ricky can't believe this moment is real. she's actually here, dancing with him under the cover of the dark room.

nini salazar-roberts, the innocent little teacher's pet who works hard on every assignment, but who he'd never seen truly break a sweat... besides whatever he'd gotten out of her this week anyway... she can't possibly be the same girl lily brought to this party tonight...

and yet it undeniably was. ricky knows no one quite like her, and this was nini, the same nini he'd had mere inches from his lips in the library just a few days ago, and hadn't dared to take a bite.

oh she was biting tonight though. he was sure if he played his cards right he might get more than a kiss off her even. not just might in fact.

it definitely amused ricky when he heard ej hadn't even managed the kiss, though he had come close from what his friend had said.

as close as they supposedly got ricky probably would've just lied in ej's position, claimed to have kissed her, maybe more than kissed her, but that was just one of the many differences between the two boys.

all the same, ej's loss was most definitely going to be ricky's gain tonight as he steps closer to her, though he recognizes the way her nerves seem to jump as he does, pretty brown eyes widening.

"i hope i wasn't interrupting you before, i just couldn't take my eyes off you." he hums, voice low as he half whispers into her ear. ricky's not trying to scare her. he wants her to be comfortable, just as much as he wants her to get out of her comfort zone. "for being so damn short your legs are fucking incredible."

that's where he would normally properly touch a girl, get into her space all the more and stroke her rather exposed thigh with his hand. he wants to feel her smooth skin, make her all the more aware of him and his intentions but ricky just doesn't know if she's okay with that. normally he's sure of himself with girls, but this one was making him nervous. 

too nervous.

so his hand just lightly grazes her leg, barely a touch but certainly enough to raise goosebumps.

he probably just needs another drink to get out of his head. ricky bowen doesn't let a girl make him nervous.

nini is able to give him a response though, and not one he'll easily segue to get back to the kitchen to down another drink. "i'm not that short, you're just ridiculously tall." she retorts, rolling her eyes. "but thank you..." her voice trails off softly. "or at least i think that was supposed to be a compliment."

"definitely a compliment. you're stunning." he nods, smirking at her as they stand over by the wall, not drawing attention to themselves beyond just the way he naturally makes people stare.

and in that skirt... he'd be surprised if he was the only one looking at her legs. and her ass, but he suspected that wasn't the sort of compliment nini would take well if he gave it.

"thank you. she's no kourtney, but i've gotta say lily has good taste."

"it's not the clothes, it's you."

"pardon?" she looks confused by this, or maybe she just can't hear him very well.

"i was saying i think you'd be just as gorgeous without the clothes sweetheart." he leans down and whispers it in her ear. "if you let me take them off later i can show you."

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