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school on monday is the next time she sees him- or more accurately, she sees his bike pull up as she's walking in the gate with kourtney, having accepted her best friend's usual offer of a ride to school. 

though it's not that she's watching for him- waiting to see him- or even spending too much time looking at him when she hears that telltale engine cutting out at. 

she shouldn't spend too long considering that she can recognize him by the sound of a motorcycle. him. but gosh... can she really help it? 

really it's an every day sort of thing that she rides with kourtney though, besides the days nini does tutoring anyway... it's just that she's definitely surprised to see him arriving so early. he comes either late or close to it practically every day, or at least most days as far as she can tell. whether that be the truth or just the vibe he gives off...

she wonders what brings him to school so early and can't help but think about when she saw him in the library- the first time she saw him in the library, not the time they almost kissed.

she had thought she was crazy for almost letting him kiss her... for wanting him to kiss her. (which she can now admit to herself in hindsight, it wasn't just a maybe, it was a yes.) 

now she has let him kiss her. 

more than kiss her from nina's perspective, but she has a feeling his kind of crowd wouldn't say what happened was much other than kissing. he might just say they kissed. she likes to think it was bigger.

and maybe it was a dumb idea, to think that kissing ricky bowen would lead to something she wanted, and not just to him trying to take her to bed...

but as much as nini feels certain she made the right choice in making it absolutely clear she wouldn't have sex with him the other night, the running away from him part has admittedly weighed on her mind.

but then it sounded to her like there was no point in her going into that bedroom with him if they weren't going to go all the way, at least from how it looked, so in that case she just did both of them a favor.

all she had wanted at that point was to make out with him, maybe let him go to second base and feel her up under that little top she'd borrowed from lily or something stupid like that.

because that's the thing- nini knows it was stupid... she's never been the girl who thought about doing this stuff at a party on a whim. she figured maybe if she got a really nice boyfriend she'd just know and things would feel right... but somehow life has other plans. ricky bowen was obviously never a part of her plan.

but she can't actually call him stupid as a person, clearly, from their talk about romeo and juliet, even if he views it all so differently than she does. he's smart, very smart, at least about this stuff.

and that's something she couldn't have seen coming either.

as she deals with situating her books for her first few classes at her locker, nini hears a knock on the metal which startles her instantly, causing her bag to fall from her arms as she yelps in surprise.

but as she looks down at it, then back up, she sees herself standing in front of ricky bowen, and without the heeled shoes lily let her borrow she feels all the smaller in front of him.

"easy there sweetheart, it's just me. i don't bite unless you want me to remember?" he winks, picking up her bag with one hand like it's nothing as nini stands there a bit incredulous, trying to come up with some retort.

"i don't want you to bite me." she manages to say, but it doesn't come out as confidently as she wanted, because there he is with this huge smirk on his face and nini just wishes she could wipe it right off of him somehow.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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