Story#1: Sharky Octopus

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I hate individuality


A three-wheeled motorcycle sped down an empty backroad that curved around a mountain. In the distance, a coast with a sandy beach stretching across was just coming into view. As they were turning the corner, the rider heard police sirens chasing after them. They quickly pulled their vehicle to the side and parked. Eventually, the police car caught up and slowed to a stop near the biker. After a few moments, a cop stepped out of the car and sauntered over toward them. 

 " Do you have any idea how fast you were going?" The cop asked, taking out a pad full of speeding tickets. The biker lifted their helmet off of their head and rested it near their chest.

" Would you believe me if I said no?" A young woman with long red hair tied up into a thick ponytail answered as she smiled jovially at the officer. The woman had a total of four arms and four legs, and she wore a sleek black jumpsuit. 

 " I'm gonna need to see some ID." The cop said with an unamused look. Begrudgingly reaching into their pocket, she pulled out a wallet. Pulling her ID out from it, she handed it to the officer. The officer quickly glanced over the woman's ID.

ALD AGENT ID: Las Laganos Dept.

 NAME: Sharky Octopus

 ID#: 00137

 AGE: 32 weeks

 SEX: Female



ALD. Also known as the Aquatic Life Division. The officer groaned when he read this. He shoved his pad full of speeding tickets back into his pocket. 

 " Try not to cause any more trouble...." He groaned as he handed the ID back.

 " Will do!" Sharky responded as the officer walked back to his car and drove away. Popping her helmet back on, Sharky started her motorcycle back up and continued driving off down the road. She drove towards a white building that overlooked the coast in the distance. At the front, the building had a sign that read: ALD: Las Laganos Dept. Sharky pulled her motorcycle up to the large gate that blocked the entrance into the building's surrounding area.

" Oh hey, Sharky!" Another check-up or are you going on a mission?" The guard at the gate asked as he popped his head out of the guard booth. Sharky flipped up her helmet's visor.

 " Just a check-up Mitch! Can you pull the gate up for me?" Sharky asked.

 " Of course!" The guard answered as he hunched back down into the booth. After Sharky heard the sounds of buttons being pressed, the gate in front of her began to shift open. 

 " Thanks, Mitch!" Sharky said as she flipped back down her visor and drove inside. After parking her motorcycle, Sharky walked into the front entrance of the building. Inside, the building was white and looked similar to a hospital or lab. As Sharky headed inside, she locked eyes with the heavily armored guard at the front desk. 

 " Hey, Gabby! Is Dr. Weinberg in today?" Sharky asked the heavily armored guard at the front desk. 

 " Yes, he's here. Oh, by the way, Sharky, could you help me find my 10K? I've seemed to misplaced it somewhere..." The heavily armored guard asked in a high-pitched voice.

" Sure. I'll come to help you after my check-up." Sharky cheerfully answered as she took a turn and walked down the hall, past the front desk. After a short walk, Sharky stopped in front of a room with a nameplate beside it. The nameplate read: ALD MH Check-up Room. Without any further wait, she went inside. The room was quite large and it had computers and machines cramming nearly every corner. To the left, was a large window that peered into another room. In front of it stood a young man with caramel-colored hair in a white lab coat, holding a clipboard close to his chest.

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