Story#17: The Return

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I think I've found something that will help me write my stories


From the horizon, the sun arose and cast its light across the land. Feeling its warmth, the forest and its inhabitants began to wake. As the deer started to roam and the birds began to sing, a ball of light shot down from space and zoomed past the trees. At unrecordable speeds, it sped across the land until all of a sudden, it came to a stop.

Sitting there in the sky, it spotted two elves roaming about down on the forest floor. It watched as one of the elves kneeled down on one knee and readied its bow. Shortly after, it took its shot and hit a deer straight in the neck several dozen feet in the distance. The deer ran for a short while before it eventually collapsed to the ground. It was on the verge of death.

Zooming down, in a flash, the ball of light appeared right before the deer's body, and in an instant, it transformed into a boy with bright golden eyes. After staring down into the deer's eyes for a moment, watching its life fade away, Hen lifted one of his arms and waved it through the air. The deer's body began to tremble and in a sudden jolt, it shot back up onto its hooves.

A moment later, with a hop and a skip, the deer didn't waste a second and galloped away, disappearing past the trees. Meanwhile, Hen whished his arm once more, and a dead copy of the deer appeared on the ground. Hearing the elves approaching, without wasting any more time, Hen flew away up into the sky.

From above, he watched as they came upon its corpse and jumped up with glee. As they started to carry it back to their home, Hen turned and flew away. Flying past forest and forest, desert, and sea, eventually, he dived down at a sharp angle and hit the ground feet first.

Looking over the vast open countryside, before him stood a large house. Without wasting another moment, he walked over and let himself inside by phasing straight through the front door. The inside was shrouded in complete darkness but of course, Hen didn't think much of it and simply floated immediately up to the second floor.

Walking down the hall, he stopped at a door and proceeded to head inside. Like the rest of the house, the room was pitch black but slashing down the wall was a sparse blade of light that shined in from the sliver of the nearby cracked open window. Sitting in the light, with his back facing them, was the disheveled figure of a man curled up into a ball.

Reaching an arm out, Hen waved his hand back and the man shot up in the air and propelled back towards him.

" Wha-what's going on?!" The man cried out in a panic, flailing around in the air. Closing his hand, the man's limbs suddenly became stiff and he could no longer move them.

Flying in towards him, he grabbed his head and his fingers began to melt into his face.

" What is the "Author"?" Hen asked him, his lips unmoving.

Long ago, while he was out ending suffer all across the universe, this phrase suddenly appeared within Hen Fryer's mind. He had no clue where it could have come from and, being the natural paranoid overthinker he is, he figured it must be some sort of attack by some god-class being. Ever since then, he's been scouring across the universe looking for its meaning.

As he waited for his response, Hen scraped the man's mind of all its knowledge. He was able to find out the man's name, it was Braun Eren. Alongside that phrase, this name also appeared in his mind. He was 26 years old and recently unemployed. No spouse, offspring, or living relatives and he currently lives alone. Hen was able to find all of this out and more, except for the things he wanted to know. But he knew that Braun had the knowledge he was seeking, and one way or another, he would get it. Regardless of what it would take. Normally, he wouldn't do anything so unnecessary, but the stakes are too high.

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