Dream or Reality?

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I was very tired of the chaos, I straightly headed to bed and tried to sleep but how could I? I was tensed and stressed like hell...only 3 more days and I have to complete 10 projects, each requiring minimum 20 pgs... How will I complete, I will definitely lose marks *tears roll down*. I was very scared and tensed about the situation why was I so lazy at the first place huff whatever happened I can't change that tho I realised late but not so late to sit and complete I will complete no matter what but this time these soothing words were not working as well. I was tensed, having headache and now tears continuously rolling down my cheeks not knowing what else to do. It was 12 at night, how will I complete being in these dark thoughts and this severe headache I was not thinking anything straight I just joined my hands and closed my eyes.

I: Hey Radhekrishna hey shyama help me I can't handle this anymore *crying silently*

Just then I felt one hand on my forehead...it was shining and was looking bluish. Had a golden colour bangle on it which was shining as well. I again felt another hand on my head it was shining white it was as white as milk and the brightness ig it will just make day in night and again same golden bangle. Before I could react I heard some soothing words which was so relaxing that my eyes closed. I don't remember what the words were but there calmness was enough for me to be myself and get peace. In that darkness ingulfed me and I slept like a peaceful baby. The next morning I woke up very early maybe 4 or something, maybe the sleeping hours were less but it felt like I slept for eternity. I rushed to my table and with lots of energy I started my work.

The lazy fellow who used to take 7 days for one project finished all the ten projects in 3 days and was done very beautifully with perfect decorations. Everyone loved my project and were praising me, I just smiled knowing no one was with me when I needed them but you were there my Bff. I love you and thank you as I can't thank you enough. And when my lips were just smiling for no reason I felt that they were smiling as well.

Problems are problems none is big or small but the one who goes through it is the one who gets the sweet.

I still think was it a dream or was it reality. Whatever it was I felt the touch and that touch and that vision is unforgettable...

I: I am not that cruel *giggles* Here is your beloved makhan Kanha

Kanha: Thank you priye you're the best!!!! *Eating like anything*

I: *can't stop laughing*

Jai Shree Radhe Krishna ❣️

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