Casual speech

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Me: Future is really so different and amazing. Usually we get what we don't expect not what we expected. We all somewhere are eccentric, we sometimes do what we don't wanna do and sometimes don't do what we should have done. Our minds are complicated, no matter who we are, we always misunderstand one another. In this world, no one knows the meaning of friendship, love, understanding, trust etc..., all are just new born babies in these stuff because if they do, no one would be alone right now. You know in this world, I did learn one thing, learn to enjoy your own company and share your thoughts with the ultimate supreme head. No one can understand you except him. His actions are indeed unexpected but they do give you your desired result. Perfect life, perfect friends, perfect people, perfect society, perfect parents, perfect ending *chuckles* all are just in stories, maybe one of the reason why I love to read books. Sounding like a big lecture doesn't it? Sigh! Well what shall I say? Love yourself? Stop overthinking? Stop caring? Stop expecting? Bla bla bla? What's actually the use? Will you really stop? No... Even if you say, your inner mind knows what actually you are thinking. I won't say you to stop, why? Because they are common human nature. Everyone overthinks, cares, expects, loves, trusts etc. Even a heartless or cold hearted person's heart once was heartful with love and care. Now I am not saying to become a robot with no feelings. Infact I don't even know what I am speaking but atleast I just wanna tell one thing, smile. Fake? Pfft- no way dude. I hear you asking then exactly for what? for the life you got. You know this life is precious. Sighh! Again I hear you asking precious wtf- dude! We are literally suffering, we have this problems, that problems, this thing, that thing etc etc etc. Well.... I honestly don't know? Just smile because it's free? C'mon bro this is atleast one thing in life you have which is free, there is cost of everything, literally even of crying well for smiling, their is explanation not cost. Ok I think I am going insane, usually I am good with these stuff, like hearing people's thoughts, try to help them, understand them and actually I am a kind of person who's happy by living for herself. If I feel down, I will be listening music, watch cartoons (yea ofc I am a kid inside) and then motivate myself. I am a self motivator because I know no one knows me perfectly except kanha. I ain't saying you to be completely alone now, I mean not all are same but just enjoy your own company, smile for yourself, live for yourself, you are special really, I may not know you but he does, you are special for him. Even after you have done 1000 of mistakes, you are still special for him. Don't think low of yourself. Ok now it indeed is becoming like a typical motivational speech isn't it? Ok ok fine how about we just end this? Lol I thought to express my thoughts by writing something who knew it will turn out to be some sort of motivational speech- self motivation if that's what the term is? Nevermind I better continue with my stuff now and ya before living just one small thing, don't get attached to anyone or anything because it indeed is pointless, except yourself. Now don't count it as selfish or something but just be yourself and stop keeping people close to you, if you have some pure souls never lose them, this message is mostly for those who haven't met such good souls like me. Ok ok now don't cut off yourself from people completely, enjoy your life with whatever you have and stop drooling over past because it's of no use. And ofcourse smile, it's the best medicine to ease your own pain, trust me, smile for yourself. Ok ok before I narrate another paragraph with some sort of positive sweetness or about being grateful, enthusiastic and all I am heading out. Thanks for reading this crap which actually is of no use except for one thing, expression.

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