The Way I Feel Inside - Graham Coxon

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The Way I Feel Inside by The Zombies
Word count: 9681

When you decided you'd study photography, spontaneously in high school you'd never expect you'd end up being paid to sit on tour busses with actual bands, big bands, taking photos of them preforming at every gig. The job could be difficult, hoards of screaming fans, especially the girls, made your job difficult, and extremely distracting, but you managed just fine, and you thought you were pretty damn good at what you did too, always snapping photos when the bands are doing the most interesting acts, it was funny sometimes looking over those photos. You felt pretty lucky with the job, but of course there were downsides. Spending hours on tour buses travelling around the country with bands and people you barely knew could get tiring. You had a lack of friends at home in your city, but could you really call it home at this point? You were rarely there for more than a few months. You brushed your thoughts off as a yellow file was tossed in front of you on your desk.

Your eyes flicked up to whoever just tossed it, your boss, hovering over you, clad in his bland professional clothes, boring clothes for a boring man, you thought. "Blur." He took a sip from a white coffee mug with 'Worlds Best Boss' slapped on it in bold black letters, a lacklustre gift from someone who couldn't care less obviously. "Hm?" You hummed in response as your boss sighed. "The band, Blur, you're doing your little... band photography for them." He stated, you narrowed your eyes at the man, little band photography, you were definitely one of the most successful people in this office because of your passion. "Right, I know em'." You stated, grabbing the yellow folder. Your boss walked off, obviously less than interested, you wondered how such a miserable man can manage such bright-eyed, creative photographers, but you assumed he was once like you and old age has taken its toll.

You flipped open the file's yellow cover, the first page you see saying "Blur - World Tour." You hummed, flipping another page.


It had been months since you signed that paperwork, and you were now nicely settled into your life on tour with the four boys that made up Blur. You'd met them the first day of the tour, as they enthused that you stayed on their bus with them, which you found utmost unusual as you were usually thrown onto smaller buses with the other roadies. You seemed to have sensed some other reason than "why not?" when you asked why you were invited to stay on their bus, but you ignored it and gratefully excepted the offer. Through these 2 months you'd gotten acquainted with their personalities, Damon, the front man was everything you would have imagined, loud and lacking of a filter, but charming in his own way. Alex, a party animal with a "this is cool, I'm chill." Attitude, which was definitely not his real complexion, but he forced it well. Dave, the drummer, peace keeper of the group, relaxed yet happy and was always thinking about weird styles of drumming. Lastly, Graham, peaceful, sentimental, emotional, he was gorgeous not to mention, he let you watch him draw in his sketch book sometimes which helped cure the boredom of long drives, his kindness and calm attitude drew you to him like a magnet, in all honesty, you wanted to know more about this man badly, but he seemed reserved, well to you, maybe it was because you were new.

You currently sat In the seating area, toward the front of the bus, the back of the bus being occupied by the small beds that you were forced to sleep on, at least it wasn't a bench in a van. Your camera case sat on the table as you fiddled with the camera, making sure everything was perfect in preparation for the next show. Damon walked in from the bunks, relaxed as usual, you watched as he walked toward the shelves, pulled open a cupboard and grabbed a small glass before turning and taking a random liquor bottle into his hand, pouring himself a drink. He turned his back, resting on the counter as he eyed you from behind the glass. "Ready for tonight Y/N?" He asked.

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