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At the Café...

"Guys, I'm having a party tonight at my place." Russ said.
"Cool, I'll be there!" Melissa blurt out.

"You'll be there too, right babe?" Russ looks at me, smiling.
"If my dad lets me." I looked up at him.
"Okay cool. I'll be right back. Have to pee." Russ walked away.

"God, Russ is just so amazing." Melissa smiled widely.
"Watch it, that's my boyfriend you're talking about." I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow.

"I was just joking, relax." She giggled.

"It wasn't very funny." My best friend Candy said.
Melissa rolled her eyes.

"I didn't know you guys were official." Melissa looked at me.
"We are." I smiled.

"That's great! I'm sooo happy for you." She said ironically.
I rolled my eyes at her.

"Keep an eye on her." Candy whispered.

"So, Madison, I heard you'll be parent-free for a month." Melissa commented.
"Yeah, my dad is leaving on a business trip early tomorrow." I answered.

"That means you'll throw some awesome parties, right?!" Melissa asked in excitement.
"No parties you'll be invited to." I glare at her.

"Come on, don't be rude. You should throw a wild party." She added.
"If she doesn't want to have a wild party, she doesn't have to." Candy looked at her, crossing her arms.

"Whatever." Melissa rolled her eyes.

"I should get home. My phone is dead and I don't want my dad to worry." I commented.
"Sure. See you tonight then?" Candy asked.

"Of course. Bye guys!" I walked to Russ.

"Where are you going baby girl?" Russ crossed his arms and looked down at me with a smirk.
"I'm leaving, do you mind taking me home?" I asked.

"Uh.. right now?" He commented.
"Yes now, exactly like you said you would." I remind him.
"Okay, fine." He rolled his eyes a little.
"Thanks." I follow him to his car.


"Thanks for driving me home. Bye!"
"Bye." He replied.

I got inside.

"There you are!" My dad yelled, coming down the stairs.
I stand still.

"I've called you ten times!" He got down to me.
"Sorry dad, my phone died.
He sighed.

"Did you need to tell me something important?" I asked.
"As a matter of fact, yes." He replied.

"I want to talk to you about my business trip tomorrow." He added.
"Dad, I'll be fine. It's just a month."

"I know." He started.
"But?" I crossed my arms.
"I have a friend who just got out of a relationship, and needs a place to stay while he finds a new one." He finished.

"And?" I asked.

"I told him he could stay here, if that's okay with you." He said.

"I'm NOT a little kid anymore! I don't need someone I've never met to take care of me." I said angrily.

"You have met him. But you were much younger then, so i'm not sure if you remember him." He replied in a calming voice.

"I don't need a babysitter, dad. I'm going to collage soon."

"It's a favor to him. He needs a place to stay." Dad answered.

"Besides, I wouldn't leave you here with someone random. Trust me, Easton is an angel." He added.

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