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Me and Candy are at the tattoo shop cause she wanted a rose tattoo.

"How does it look?" She asked for my opinion.
"It looks so good on you! Really." I answered.

"You should totally get a tattoo!" Candy said exited.
"Alright, I'll get a tattoo!" I love this place.
"YAASS!" Candy's face lit up.

"I'm gonna text Easton and see what he thinks about this." I said, taking my phone out of my backpack.
"Sure!" She replied.

Me: What do you think about tattoos?

Easton: I like them. Why??

Me: No reason... ;)

Easton: Madison, don't tell me you're thinking about getting one?

Me: Maybe :)

"I'm ready!" I told the tattoo artist.
"Wonderful, sit down." He replied.

At home...

I walked into the living room. Ava and Easton are talking.

"Hey." I smiled.
"Hey Madison!" Easton smiled back.

"Oh hey Madison! Nice to see you again." Ava looked at me.
"You too, Miss Higgins."
"I was about to leave." She said. "Lots of homework to correct." She added.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow." Ava smiled at me.
"Wait what?" Easton looks very confused.
"I'm her teacher. Madison didn't tell you that?" Ava looked at Easton in confusion.


"No, she didn't." He replied.
"Oh well, now you know. See you later, bye!" Ava left.

"Why didn't you tell me that Ava is your teacher?" Easton asked.
"I guess I just forgot." I commented.

"Wait... is that a tattoo on your stomach?!" He pointed at it.
"You like?"

"Jesus Christ, Madison! Did your dad tell you it was okay?" He asked, annoyed I can tell.
"He doesn't need to. I'm 18." I remind him.

"He won't like it."
"I don't care about that right now." I answered.

* Doorbell Rings *

"I'll get it." I say, walking down to open the front door.


"Hey Honey!" She waved at me.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Can't a mom visit her daughter?" She smiled.
I just rolled my eyes.

"I thought you didn't care about me." I looked in another direction.
"Hey, I wrote you letters!" She pointed at me.

I rolled my eyes again.

"We'll, did something happened?" I acted like I cared.
"Yeah." She whispered.

"My boyfriend dumped me." She finally replied.
"Liam?" I asked.
"Carl?" I asked.
"Nicholas?" I asked... again.
"No, the other one." She replied.

"Who is it mom? Can't you just tell me?" I rolled my eyes.
"It's Jeremy. We had a fight this morning and he kicked me out." She commented.

"You think I can stay here for a while?" She asked.
"Uhm- I don't think so mom."
"Are you gonna kick me out too, like Jeremy did?"

"You haven't been the best mom, so why would I do this for you." I crossed my arms.
"Where am I gonna go then?" She looked lost.

"Not my problem. You should probably leave now." I opened the door again.

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