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I sit in the kitchen, eating some of my favorite cookies.

Then Easton came in.

"Good morning." He said.

"That's not a healthy breakfast." He giggled.
"No, but it's delicious." I took a sip of my juice.
He rolled his eyes.

"Are you ready to leave?" He asked.
"I already have a ride." I stood up.
"Your boyfriend?" He asked.
I nodded.

"Your dad told me about him."
"Of course he did. Anyways, he should be here now. Bye!" I walked out the door.

What the fuck is taking him so long.
Ugh. Easton is coming.

"Get in the car." He doesn't look at me.
"No, he'll come."
"I don't think so, you've been standing here shivering for 15 minutes." He turned to look at me.

I sighed.

"Get in the car, please."
"Okay, fine."


"Thanks for the ride." I said walking out of the car.
"No problem." He replied.

"You don't have to ride me to school every morning, you know."
"Yes, I do." He commented.
"Why? I bet I can drive better than you can!" I crossed my arms.

"I bet you can. But I have orders from your dad."

"He's treating me like a kid."
"Not my problem." He replied.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'll see you tonight, stay out of trouble." He said, getting back to his car.


I walked angrily to Russ and his friend Ryan.

"You were supposed to pick me up this morning." I crossed my arms.
"Was I?"

I rolled my eyes.

"How could you forget?"
"You can't seriously expect me to remember every little thing I say to you." He laughed.

"Fine, then I don't expect us to date anymore."
"You heard me."
"But-" he started.
I just turned away from him and started walking to class.

I sit in English class next to Melissa.

"Are you okay? You look a little pale." She asked.
"I'm fine. Just tired." I replied.

"So I was thinking that we could do something tonight at your place." He asked, smiling at me.
"I'm actually planning on doing homework."

"Me too! How about we do it together?" She asked in excitement.
"Okay! I'm actually kind of excited!" I answered.

Melissa looked behind her, where Russ is sitting.

"Why is Russ looking at you like that?" She asked.
"We kind of had a fight this morning."
"Oh no!" She replied.

"I think I want to break up with him." I whispered.
"WHAT?!" She yelled.

"Madison and Melissa, keep it down!" The teacher said angrily.

After school...

"Wow, I love your room!" Melissa said, looking around.
"Thank you."

"So what's up with you and Russ?" She asked.
"I want to end things with him because he doesn't treat me well." I replied.

"Then you should totally dump that jerk."

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