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hey babe


why the question mark

you never call me babe

what'd you do

uhh nothing

so why the babe

idk it just kinda happened

you don't like it??

no i do

it was just random

anyway what's up

you okay?

yh i'm fine

just wanted to ask if
you were busy

not right now



jisung sat for a moment in silence, waiting for minji to ask if she could come over or if he could go to her place, it's what she always asked once she knew he wasn't busy. so he was surprised to see his phone screen suddenly covered with a picture of her in his hoodie pulling a stupid face and her name across the top.

he answered the call, bringing the phone to his ear, waiting patiently for her to start talking.

"hello?" he asked after she hadn't said anything for about thirty seconds.

"hi." she let out a loud sigh, jisung's lip lifting slightly at the sound.

"what's up? you're not coming over?" he questioned as she chuckled.

"no, i'm minji," he rolled his eyes at her terrible joke, "but i didn't want to come over or ask you over here. just..." she trailed off, jisung's expression changing to a questioning look.


"just wanted to hear your voice." he could practically hear her face burn a bright red, embarrassed by her reasoning for calling.

"why's that, you baby?" he teased, a whine sounding through the speaker of his phone. he chuckled at her once more, his small smile spreading into a grin.

"i don't know," she whined, "don't tease me about it, just appreciate that i wanted to hear your voice and leave it at that." he laughed at the look he imagined on her face.

he pictured her, shyly smiling, cringing at her own words, looking anywhere but at the phone he was sure was on loudspeaker, face burning a brilliant red hue.

"well, thank you for wanting to hear my voice. funnily enough, now that i think about it, i think i was starting to miss your's too." she giggled at his words, as he pictured the profuse blush on her cheeks again, probably deepening at this point.

"okay. i'm going to hang up now."

"what? why? don't hang up, i still miss your voice." he whined as she giggled again.

"nope. bye bye, jisungie. i love you." she chortled as he whined once more, hanging up before he could say he loved her too.



now that was just mean


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