Riku X Reader

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Out of breath from your short run, you rushed into a strange room, rather shabby looking room. The walls were covered in blankets and tarps while the only seating there was, were a couple of crates and boxes. Though you were curious as to why you hadn't seen this place before, you shrugged it off and refocused on your goal. "Hey Riku, where are you? I know you ran in here, I saw you just a minute ago." The room was so small, you had no idea where he could be hiding, but you were sure he was in here. "Just give it up."

Finally you heard Riku, unfortunately, you still couldn't tell where his bored, annoyed voice was coming from. "I've been here all day. I don't know who you saw run in here, but it wasn't me. Now please stop following me."

Searching behind the blankets, and under anything that could be moved, you continued to call out to him. "Don't you lie to me. I saw you come in here. And why in the world would I stop following you? You can't deny your feelings forever."

"Actually, Riku's telling you the truth, he has been here all day. You must have seen me run in here a minute ago, not Riku." One of the tarps pulled away from the wall to reveal a very sheepish looking Sora. "You see, you aren't exactly supposed to be in here. I was kind of running in hopes that you wouldn't see where I went. "

You stared at Sora, too confused to be offended. "Why shouldn't I be here? Is it not safe or something? If it's not safe, you probably shouldn't be here either."

"It's safe. But you see, this is kind of a secret hangout. Only a few people are allowed to be in it." Sora looked away from you, afraid he was about to say something that would hurt you. "It's really nothing personal, but you're not one of those people."

"Oh, I understand perfectly." Not at all upset with him, you crossed your arms and nodded. "How exactly do I become one of these people? This seems like a pretty cool place, other than the shabby seating and decor."

"You can't." Riku finally appeared, and he looked less than happy with you. "If we wanted you to be here, we would have invited you. I tried to be nice, hoping you'd take a hint, but you didn't. I don't want you here, and neither does Sora, he's just too much of a sap to say it."

"Man Riku, you can be really mean when you want to be." You wrapped your arms around yourself and looked down to the ground. "I've never been anything but nice to you. I don't know why you hate me so much. I guess I must have done something to you without knowing it. As air headed as I can be, It's possible." You looked up at Riku trying not to show how much he'd hurt you. "If I did something to make you this angry, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to." Now knowing exactly how he felt, you slumped your shoulders and walked out of the small room.

The moment you were gone, Sora looked up at Riku and frowned. "That was pretty harsh. Maybe you should-."

"I know." Cutting him off mid sentence, Riku sighed and started to follow you. "I'm going, you don't have to tell me twice." Only a few seconds had passed since you left, but it was more than enough time for you to completely vanish. "Great, now I've got to go find her. Hey Sora, you wouldn't mind helping, would you?"

"Actually buddy, I would." Sora smiled a wide, toothy smile as he placed his hands behind his head and began to chuckle. "I might be a total sap, but you got yourself into this mess. I think it would be best if you fix it yourself."

"I figured you'd say that." With a loud sigh, Riku gave up on having any outside help and walked off in search of you. He looked around the surrounding area, but you were no where to be seen. Suddenly, after about twenty, long minutes of searching, it hit him. He knew exactly where you would be."Why didn't I think of this sooner?" He turned around and began walking in the opposite direction. "Hopefully she hasn't left yet." A short walk later, Riku stopped outside of the small ice cream parlor. He spotted you sitting down on one of the tall, red bar stools slowly nibbling at a bowl of ice cream. Unsure what to say, he roughly ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath in. "Well, here goes nothing." Pushing the large glass doors open, Riku walked into the parlor and sat down next to you.

The sight of him sitting there next to you made you snort. "What are you doing here? This isn't one of your spots too, is it?"

Riku ignored your understandable bad attitude and ordered himself a small bowl of ice cream. "This has been one of my spots for a long time. But I can't exactly keep you out of a public building. Besides, you're really not hurting anything."

Still angry with him, you found offense in everything he said. "But you'd kick me out of here if you could no doubt. Well fine, if that's how you feel, I'll stop coming here too." You spun around on the bar stool, but did so just a bit too zealously. The stool kept spinning after you tried to jump off, catching your shirt and causing you to lose balance.

Quickly standing to his feet, Riku managed to catch you before you fell. For the second time now, he'd kept you from hurting yourself on those chairs. "You really have to be more careful. If you ever came here without me, you could get seriously hurt." He sighed.

Your face turned a fiery shade of red as he helped you back to your feet. Even if he was a grouchy jerk, being this close to him still flustered you terribly. "I didn't need your help, and I'll have you know I have come here without you. I tripped once, but I caught myself before I got hurt. And it wasn't even my fault that I tripped, someone had spilled a shake on the floor."

Riku cleared his throat, trying not to laugh. "Look, I just came here to apologize. I was, kind of mean before. I'm not trying to be mean, but having you follow me around like a lost puppy is kind of embarrassing. I probably should have told you before."

"I guess I can understand that." You shuffled your feet, no longer even a little bit angry at him. "It's like I said though, I'm pretty air headed and forgetful. If I'm doing something that makes you mad, or uncomfortable, chances are, I just don't know it." Placing your hands on his shoulders, you began roughly shaking him back and forth. "So if you're angry, you seriously have to tell me, okay?"

Looking like he might be sick, Riku nodded and tried to stop you from shaking him any more. "Okay, I get it. Now stop shaking me. You're making me dizzy."

You immediately stopped. "You see, all you have to do is tell me. I'll listen, usually."

"Good, I'm glad we settled this. Now I won't have Sora annoying me about it." Riku sat back down and once again tried to enjoy his ice cream.

Carefully sitting back down next to him, you leaned in close and smiled. "So, I have a tiny question for you. It's nothing big or weird, it's just something I'm wondering about. If you don't want to hear it, just tell me and I'll shut up about it."

Riku sighed. "Just spit it out already."

"Okay, well since you asked." Sitting up straight, you did your best not to look overly excited. "What would you say are the chances of me being allowed in that secret spot of yours?" Instead of answering, Riku dropped his face into his almost finished bowl of ice cream. "I'm guessing that means not good." You laughed. "That's okay, I can wait."

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