10 - Same As Before [Luna]

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Had Adrien known Draco? Maybe that's why the name felt familiar! Luna hid above the staircase, watching Draco and the man, Gabriel, converse. Although she could not fully make out what Draco said for his voice was not much over a small whisper, she could still make out a few words. And obviously, he was panicky.

It was not everyday thing where a muggle would know so much about the Wizarding World, even the Great Draco Malfoy was taken aback. Luna strained her ears, trying to find out more, but then Draco screamed. Oh shit. Draco was now on the ground, Gabriel had a foot on his chest. "Why. Are. You. Alive?" Gabriel growled. His demand made Draco flinch. 

"What did you do? Were you using magic again?"

•Adrien -was- is a Wizard

"N-no! I wasn't! I didn't!" Draco panicked. His two arms forcefully trying to get Gabriel's foot off his chest. Luna wanted to reach out to him. Right! She was Chloe now, daughter of the Mayor! 

"Gabriel! Ridiculous! How could you? He just recovered!" Luna squealed, halting the 'father-and-son'-'s conversation. "Chloe." Gabriel was calm, his feet now on the ground. Draco crawled to the nearby wall and leaned against it, an arm draped over his abdomen. Draco had scars. Even though he was in Adrien's body, Luna could still see blood seeping through the white shirt of Draco(Adrien)'s.

"I told you to not hurt him, what was it that you didn't understand?" Luna crossed her hands. Another woman came over, talking to Gabriel. "Thank you, Natalie. Now you  go settle it." Jerk.

Gabriel then swiftly left. But he stopped just right before leaving. "Right. Chloe, speak to no one about today's event. Or else." And he left, leaving his 'son' casted aside like some garbage. Was this how the real Adrien was treated?

"Draco, are you all right? You're bleeding..."

"Not Adrien, me." Draco squeezed his eyes shut. "We can apparate?"

"No, don't. Aurors... here..."

"Right, Aurors. Can I just call Madam Pomfrey?" Luna tilted her head.

"The muggle way," Draco rasped. "Disinfectant. Bandage- There's a kit... in... ... Adrien's room... Second Drawer,"

Immediately, Luna rushed upstairs and came right back down. It took them a while to figure some things, read instructions, especially hard if you're both pure-bloods.

"Wand is useless. Apparating as well. It isn't actually because of Aurors..." Draco fiddled with the collar of his shirt. "Adrien's tried it, almost died somehow. I read his diary. Yeah, rude..." Luna chuckled. 

"You've read countless others' — Pans' (Pansy Parkinson), Theo's (Theodore Nott), Milli's (Millicent Blustrode), mine."

"Well- I mean, yours was just all about Nargles, blah blah, and Pans' and Theo's were literally homework. Like, who writes their homework in their diary?"

"Pans' and Theo? What was in Milli's? What about Blaise's?"

" Milli's had nothing. And Blaise? Seriously? He doesn't even bother writing down his homework."

"Then gift him a diary, put him in between Pans' and Theo' all day, then he'd be influenced." Luna duh-ed.

The two spent the rest of the day chatting non-stop. That was until that night.

"Someone's using my wand. I can feel it. Very flimsy skills though. But why does my wand like this wizard or witch? It trusts them! Wow, betrayer!" Draco frowned. No one other than Draco could use the wand, it was rather astonishing that another was able to someone take a hold of it and be able to use it.

"You think it might be Adrien? Remember Marinette's theory about you two's soul? Maybe that's the reason why he can use your wand." Luna reasoned.

"Lun'e, are you on her side? Fine. But I can feel  my wand. And... Adrien? Oh, I don't know!" Draco threw his hands with a frown. He bit his lips. "Oh, me too! I thought I was the only one," Luna laughed, twirling her hair around a finger. 

"Since when could you?"

"Forever. Long before Hogwarts- before Ollivander's too!"


"I know."

Draco sat up from his lying position on the bed, bouncing the lying Luna. He turned to Luna, "You should go home, shouldn't you?"

"Don't know where I live," Luna shrugged. "So I'll stay." Luna smiled brightly at Draco. "Sure... Bed?"



"Done." Luna grabbed a pillow from the bunch and laid down properly. Draco as well laid beside her. "Feels like the old times."

"Feels like the old times." Luna agreed

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