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Fade in to the beach of Zanzibar. Washington and South sees Carolina kneeling down by the water and walks towards her.


Washington: The facility is clear.

Carolina: Find anything?

South : Nothing we didn't already know.

Carolina: Figured as much. This place was a dead end.

Washington: Sorry, boss.

Carolina: The structure we're going to next, you're positive our target was there?

Washington: I know what I saw, that's why it's on our list.

South: That's  were we found her. 

Carolina: But I know what I saw, and it doesn't make any sense.

Washington: All the more reason to investigate.

Carolina: Alright then. Let's go. Let's go find C.T.

Camera pans towards the sky before fading into a new location


The camera follows a seagull as it lands on a submerged helmet before being sniped. As the assasistant to the Oversight Sub-committee's following voice-over plays, Wyoming surfaces and, along with Florida, are seen spying on the Insurrectionists at the shipyard

Malcom Hargrove: (voice over) To the Director of Project Freelancer, Dr. Leonard Church. Dear Director, allow me to introduce myself. I am a representative of the newly formed U.N.S.C. Oversight Sub-Committee. Our organization is charged with the protection of high-level assets of the military, one of which, recently went missing. These assets are entrusted to our programs as a privilege, not as a right. As such, they will be safeguarded with the upmost care. In these dark times, mankind has the opportunity not only to prove his humanity, but to earn it.

A Falcon flies by

Wyoming: Well, third craft this afternoon. Let's see who else is arriving.

Malcom Hargrove: (voice over) I look forward to a long, and mutually beneficial, relationship for our two departments. Yours truly, Malcom Hargrove, Assistant to the Oversight Sub-Committee Chairperson.

C.T. and the Insurrectionist Leader disembark from the Falcon

Demo Man: It's her.

Girlie: I can't believe he trusts that bitch after what she did to us.

Wyoming: There she is. (as Wyoming looks through the scope of his rifle, C.T. gazes out in his direction) Come in, Command. Tell the Director she's here.

Cut to the Leader and C.T.

Insurrectionist Leader: What is it?

C.T.: It's nothing...come on.

The two continue walking, but not before the Leader glances back out torward the ocean. Fade to the Mother of Invention flying through space before cutting to the Director and Counselor inside

Counselor: Congratulations, Director. Another successful test.

Director: Another fragment was harvested this morning, Counselor. Find it a match.

Counselor: This morning? That is ahead of schedule.

Director: Our time grows short, find it a match.

Red Vs Blue Season 10 male OCWhere stories live. Discover now