Don't Say It

439 10 1

I know this season went fast and may not be the best of my work but now to finish it off and move onto season 11 


Will Delta and Washington look at a drone.

Washington: Are you sure about this Delta?

Delta: I know this isn't my most logical choice but I want one. Specifically a drone.

Will: Let's get started then.

The Director is seen sitting alone in a room watching the last known recording of Allison over and over again. Carolina walks in as the video plays.

F.I.L.S.S: Beginning playback.

Allison (on video): Leonard, come on, stop it, put that thing down. You're gonna make me late, they're waiting for me.

Carolina: Hello, Director.

Director: Hello, Agent Carolina. Would you like to watch this file with me?

Carolina: No.

Director: Play it again, F.I.L.S.S.

F.I.L.S.S: Director?

The Director smashes his fist onto the arm of his chair.

Director: Again!

Carolina: So, this is what you've become?

The Director lowers his head in sadness.

Director: I just need to watch this. I think I have a way... a way to bring her back right this time.

Carolina: The authorities are hunting you now. If I found you, they will too.

Director: I just need a bit more time.

Epsilon appears and floats over to the Director.

Epsilon: No! You've had your fucking time. You have to answer for what you did. To the Meta, to Washington, to California, to Carolina, to me and to her! To Texas! To Alex! 

Director: Hello, Epsilon. You came all this way just to see me?

Epsilon: I'm here to remember what you've done. Somebody has to!

Carolina: Church...

Epsilon: Not all of us got off scott free, Carolina.

Epsilon begins to change into the different AI fragments of the Alpha.

Epsilon (in Delta form): He was brilliant...

Epsilon (in Theta form): ...and we trusted him.

Epsilon (in Gamma form): But he lied to us. He twisted...

Epsilon (in Omega form): ...and tortured us, and used us!

Epsilon (in Sigma form): Manipulated us for his own purposes, and for what? For this? This...shadow?!

Epsilon converts back to his original form.

Epsilon: He needs to pay.

Carolina removes her helmet and stares at the Director. The Director removes his glasses and hesitantly looks up at Carolina, revealing he has the same green eyes as her.

Allison (on video in background): And, don't worry, you'll see me again.

Carolina continues to stare at the Director, and seems to become sadder with every second she looks at him. She leans down, and kisses him softly on the forehead.

Red Vs Blue Season 10 male OCWhere stories live. Discover now