Out of Mind

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I know this isn't going well right now but hopefully I can fix this season. 

Fade in to a beach. A portion of audio from the Out of Mind mini-series is heard in the background.

Tex: (voice over) Okay, I'll take the lead. Give me fifteen seconds, then follow. Sync?

York: (voice over) ...Sync.

Hawaii: (voice over) ... Sync

Fade to the holographic lock and teleporter from Out of Mind.

Delta: (voice over) Fire detected. Cover recommended.

Hawaii: Move!

Tex: (voice over) Damn it! Damn! Cover, cover, cover!

A battle rifle is heard firing,  and a magnum with a scream of pain from York following then another battle rifle fires. 

Hawaii: (voice overYORK!

Fade to the fortress from Out of Mind.

Tex (voice over) York, are you okay?! How bad is it, D?

Delta (voice over) York will not survive.

Kappa: (voice over) There's nothing I can do to.

Hawaii: (voice over)Damnit!

Fade in to a blast mark in a corner of the fortress. Cut to Carolina staring at it.

Carolina: I'm sorry, York.


Carolina: Sorry I didn't listen. I just...I don't understand. Why her? Why Tex?

Epsilon appears on Carolina's Mongoose which is not far behind her.

Epsilon: Tex?

Carolina turns around and notices Epsilon.

Carolina: You.

Epsilon: Ah, shit.

Carolina walks over to Epsilon.

Carolina: Let me guess, just... wanted some information.

Epsilon: Carolina I don't-

Carolina: You don't have a clue, do you? You and your friends just think I'm some blood-thirsty merc with a bad attitude. But you know what? You're wrong. I'm much worse.

Epsilon: Look, you go and round up everyone I know just to bring me back, and then you keep us all in the dark? What the hell did you think was going to happen, Carolina? Of course no one trusts you!

Carolina: Well I don't trust them, Epsilon. I don't trust anyone anymore.

Epsilon: Oh, why not? Because having friends would ruin the whole "psychotic loner bitch" thing you got going on? 'Cause that would be a real shame.

Carolina: It's because I had a team once.

Flashbacks begin to appear of all of the Freelancers during events from .

Carolina: A team with the best training, the best equipment, and despite everything that they had that made them the best, they still lied, and stole, and tore each other to pieces! So you tell me: How the hell am I supposed to trust a rag-tag team of idiots when I couldn't even trust the people that were close to me?!

Red Vs Blue Season 10 male OCWhere stories live. Discover now