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That night, Youngjae waited for Jinyoung at the entrance gate of the college.

Honestly, he was nervous.

Like downright nervous. His bones were shaking tremulously.

He tried looking at nice pretty things on his phone but something would flash in his mind to know that he was going with Jinyoung to the morgue.

At that moment, he felt a tap on his shoulder that caused him to jump.

He turned around to see Jinyoung standing behind him with a confused look appearing on his face.

"Are you sure about this?" Jinyoung asked him.

Youngjae nodded his head as he swallowed the saliva that he held in his mouth."Y-yeah I'm good."

Jinyoung pointed in the direction for them to go as Youngjae dragged his body along the way.

The two friends arrived at the police station and Jinyoung slid his card for them to access the elevator that would lead them to the basement floor of the morgue.

Once in the basement, the temperature changed and Youngjae could see his breath in front of him.

He cupped his arms over his body trying to keep warm. Jinyoung, on the other hand, hung up his backpack on a hook that was located on the side of the wall near the entrance to the door that will take them to the morgue.

"Why is it so cold?" Youngjae asked.

Jinyoung laughed at his question before answering him. "It's to keep the bodies chilled. Duh."

He reached out his hand for Youngjae to give him his backpack. Youngjae still shaking quickly give Jinyoung his bag before placing his hands over his body to warm up.

"How can you tolerate this?" Youngjae asked once more.

Jinyoung reached into a closet and pulled out two jumpsuits, handing one to Youngjae.

Youngjae watched as Jinyoung placed the suit and zipped it up.

Youngjae hurried and placed the suit on as well. He noticed that the suit kept him warm.

He was now able to maneuver around the area without shivering like before.

Jinyoung pressed the door open and both of them walked into the room.

Youngjae looked around the room and noticed things that would make him want to pass out instantly.

There were body bags of bodies all over the room. Some were in closed cased waiting to be examined as well.

"OH GOODNESS, what have I gotten myself into?" His eyes followed Jinyoung who walked over to one of the bodies and pushed the cart over to a shower.

"What are you doing?" Youngjae asked his friend.

Jinyoung pulled the zipper down revealing the body that was inside the body bag.

"I'm prepping this body to be examined later." He explained.

Youngjae peeked over and noticed the body. From what he was told by both Chanwoo and Alaina laying in the cart were Chanwoo's brother and Alaina's guardian.

His body was covered with many tattoos and also some scarring as well. Youngjae slowly walked over and looked closer at the body.

The man didn't look that old at all but you can tell he has seen a lot of things.

Youngjae placed a hand on the man's arm.

It was so sad to see something like this up close. No words could explain how he felt right now.

Jinyoung walked back over with things that he needed to clean any residue that was on the body.

Youngjae stepped back and watch him clean the body before bringing it back to dry it off.

"I got to run to the bathroom," Youngjae stated.

He was stepping back before rushing out of the room. Jinyoung looked back to tell him where it was but Youngjae was long gone.

He shrugged his shoulders before continuing to dry the body.

Youngjae walked down the hall and towards the back door to the facility.

He opened the door and two figures walked in.

Alaina patted him on the shoulder before quickly rushing behind Chanwoo.

Next, Youngjae closed the door before following behind them. They walked until they made it to the door of the morgue.

"It's only my friend in here. No one else."

Both people nodded their heads as Youngjae opened the door.

Jinyoung who was not paying attention continued drying off the body.

He went to place a cloth on the tray behind him when he noticed that Youngjae was not alone.

"Youngjae, why are these two in here?" Jinyoung asked.

Chanwoo walked over to the body and placed a hand on it before grabbing one of the bags to place his brother inside.

Youngjae approached his friend apologizing for what was about to happen.

"The body that you just clean is his brother and he is here it away. I'm sorry."

Jinyoung gave Youngjae a look but really couldn't do anything since the man in front of him looked like he could rip his head off.

He stepped back placing his head down.

Youngjae patted his friend on the shoulder before following the two people who were carrying the body out of the room.

Jinyoung removed his mask to allow him to speak. "You owe me, Youngjae." He yelled out before the door closed behind him.

Jinyoung scratched his head and placed his hands on the table in front of him.

"What am I going to tell my seniors?"

The three quickly left the facility and rushed out to the nearest exit.

Alaina turned to Youngjae and nodded to him before disappearing with Chanwoo into the distance.

Youngjae looked on seeing the two leaving, he felt like a part of him was going with Alaina.

He turned back around and walked alone with his hands in his pocket to his apartment.


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