Im just an immigrant

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It's been less than 24 hours we have been placed in city called Ivanic and this is where will stay temporarily until they figure out where we will go . We were issued immigration cards that you would use for food , and even minor health care .

The camp was full due to many people coming in large amounts . We were given a place to stay with an elder lady . She had an abandoned house that was probably 200 years old . It had no electricity or running water . But we were happy ! We had a roof over our head and we were safe . The house rental fee was 100 kuna ( about $20 ) which was more than generous of her .

I kept asking my mother when will dad come . She kept changing the subject . She finally said he made it to Austria and he will not be able to come see us in a long time . But he has a job there and he's helping us now.

Tears strolled down my face I was heart broken but I understand even tho I didn't want to .

As we tried to settle in the best way we could . We had barely anything . Just some clothes in our bags . But happy we are alive .

A strange sound and car horn beeps twice it's almost midnight . Than again !
My mother jumps up in fear ! Who could it be at this time and why ?

As we all make it to the door scared to open it . A familiar voice a soft female voice

Open the door it's me ' oh god open the door

My aunt Sefi from Austria drove straight from work as soon as she found out that we have made it . She was crying hysterically. Grabbing us all one by one and then my nana her mom .

Laying her head on her chest ! Mom I thought I would never see you again . Tears of joy as one would say . My uncle grabs me in his arms gives me a big hug and tells me everything will be ok .

Few minutes pass the Hugh of excitement is settling. Another car pulls in and car horn beeps twice . Now I'm not scared ! Im excited

As I run outside and they follow me . I see a tall , dark hair man appear in the shadows . It's my dad ! I start screaming dad ' dad ' as he gets closer it's my dad's nephew. He looked just like him ! I stop and just freeze . He was in his late 20s . The resemblance was astonishing but a very much younger resemblance. When I think about it I still get the shivers.

My heart broke in a million pieces ! Even tho I knew it was impossible I still had hope .

As they helped us settle in our temporary home .  There was no running water in the house or even a bathroom. There was a outhouse attached to the back of the house . But still we were great full for making it out alive .

That night it was a very first night that I can remember that we actually slept without fear . We slept on the floor on blankets my aunt provided for us . I remember in the morning we heard birds chirping and the sun hitting the old windows .  Sadness overtook me because it reminded me that nothing will ever be same again .

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