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"Hey Eleanor". Louis says, smiling weakly at her.

The slightly younger girl tilts her head, looking concerned. It's been a while since Louis has turned up on her doorstep this early.

She opens the door wider, and gestures, inviting him in. "Come on".

Louis smiles gratefully, stepping through the threshold.

"Sorry it's early" he says, looking guilty.

Eleanor waves it off "Nah it's fine, i was up anyways".

Louis nods. "At this time? What for?".

Eleanor smiles. "Dog walk".

Louis' face brightens at this, remembering his curly haired monster. "Where is Cliff?" he asks, smiling slightly at the prospect of seeing his best friend again.

Eleanor points towards the kitchen door. "Having some breakfast, come on, he'll be buzzing to see you".

Louis smiles. Eleanor had offered to look after Clifford when Louis had gone on his world tour, and Clifford had loved having Bruce as a mate. Louis didn't have the heart to tear them apart, and so Eleanor and Louis co-parented the dogs as such, each taking them when the other had something on. Louis had fallen in love with Bruce so he took them both while Eleanor was busy, or when he hadn't seen them for a while. And Eleanor did the same.

As much as the pair were portrayed by many of Louis' fans as enemies and Eleanor as some evil witch, Louis and El got along really well, and Louis could honestly say that she was one of his closest friends.

She had really been there for him after Harry, and even more so after his mum and sister. Louis was forever grateful, and he couldn't wish for a better stunt.

Louis practically runs into the kitchen, it's been a while since he's seen Cliff, since Eleanor had spent a few months in Paris and obviously wanted some more time with the dogs. Louis was due to get them soon though.

Clifford looks up from his bowl, remains of chomped up biscuits scattering his whiskers and his big eyes light up at the sight of Louis.

Louis crouches, cuddling the dog with his whole body and tousling his ears playfully. He loves this dog more than anything, Bruce too.

Speaking of Bruce, he notices the racket and also runs over, knocking Louis onto the floor with his weight.

Louis laughs, a genuine smile on his face as his best friends climb all over him and use him as a personal playground.

Eleanor laughs too, also crouching down the try and halt the dogs attack.

They eventually tire out, and Louis stands up off the marble floor, patting himself down. He's now covered in dog hair but it's so worth it for the cuddles.

Eleanor walks over to the kettle, clicking it on to boil. "Tea?" she asks Louis politely.

Louis nods, "Please".

Eleanor knows there's something up, Louis often comes to her with his troubles. Before it was because she had an NDA, couldn't spill his secrets. But now it's because he trusts her, and feels like he can open up without judgment.

Don't get him wrong he still struggles to do so, but with Eleanor it's easier. She was there through everything, and didn't allow Louis to push her away. So it never got to the point he did with Liam and the others.

Eleanor hands him a cup of steaming hot tea, noticing the heavy bags under Louis' eyes and the smell of alcohol on his breath.

"You're not sleeping still?" she questions, worried.

Louis laughs, "You saying i look like shit, El". He smiles playfully.

Eleanor shakes his head, Louis always tries to shake things off using humour with her, but she knows his tricks.

Louis' laughter dies down and a serious look crosses his face. "He's back".

Eleanor nods slowly, "Simon told are you handling it".

Louis sighs, "If i'm honest, badly". He winces as he feels a headache coming on, oh the joys of a hangover.

Eleanor notices. "Want some paracetamol?" she asks, used to hungover Louis.

Louis nods gratefully.

He strokes Cliffs head as Eleanor brings over the pill, and he pops it in his mouth, washing it down with his cooled down tea.

"He's got my mind so fucked y'know?". Louis says stressfully. "Like...i like having him around again, but it was easier with him gone. Now he's in my brain 24/7".

Louis leans against the counter, resting his weight against it. "I dunno, i just...".

"Love him?" Eleanor finishes.

Louis' head snaps up, frowning.

"What? It's true" Eleanor shrugs, "You love him, and you want him back. What's so bad about that?".

Louis sighs. "What's bad is that it's impossible El, he doesn't want me...I'm not good enough". He mumbles towards the end of his sentence and Eleanor walks over to him, rubbing his back soothingly.

"Of course you are, Lou" she says comfortingly. "We've been through this before".

Louis sighs. "I know, i know".

"Come on" Eleanor says, taking him by the hand. "Let's sit down".

She leads him into the living room, dogs following, and they sit down on the cream sofa, sun shining through the bay window.

"Is it getting bad again?" Eleanor questions, knowing what Louis' thoughts can be like, having had to pull him out of them far too often.

"No" Louis lies.

Eleanor sees straight through him. "Liar" she states.

Louis can't help but smile, she knows him too well at this point.

"Yeah" he admits, looking at her. "It's exhausting, I feel like I'm letting them all down. I just want to be good enough".

Eleanor turns towards him, placing a soft hand on his stubble covered cheek. "Louis" she says softly. "You're a beautiful man with a beautiful soul, anyone would be lucky to have you, my love".

Louis avoids her gaze, not quite believing her words but Eleanor turns his head to look her in the eyes. "You, are worthy, you are loved, and you are Louis fucking Tomlinson, so you do what the fuck you like and you answer to nobody".

Louis laughs, eyes crinkling. "Shut up, man".

Eleanor laughs along with him, looking at the boy with admiration in her eyes. He's been through so much, way more than the average man his age, and she wishes he could see how strong he is.

She pulls him in for a hug by his neck, her perfectly manicured hand on the nape of his neck, his hair tickling her fingertips. "You deserve the world Louis, remember that".

Louis smiles into her shoulder, Eleanor always makes him feel elevated, it's as if she takes all of the weight off his shoulders and tells it to go fuck itself. She takes him back to his teenage years and early twenties, when he was carefree and fearless. "I love you El".

Eleanor chuckles, pulling back before ruffling his feathery hair. "I love you too, Lou".

She looks at him fondly. "Whatever does or doesn't happen with Harry, i'm here to support you, always".

Louis pulls her in for another cuddle. "I know, i appreciate it".

She smacks him playfully, "Never leave it this long again, Louis Tomlinson, i don't want to see you like this again".

Louis laughs and they spend the rest of the morning watching shit tv and catching up.

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