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Louis stands looking nervously at the familiar door in front of him. He once lived in this apartment, with his love.

Now he lives on the other side of London, alone.

He shakes his head, getting rid of the memories they share in this place and knocks on the door, remembering his purpose for coming here.

There's no reply and he waits before knocking again.

"Harry, Harry open the door" He sighs. "Harry I know you're in there".

"Come on Hazza" he whispers to himself, not wanting to activate plan B. "Open up".

He waits a further ten minutes, knocking and knocking before he accepts that Harry isn't going to answer.

He sighs and reaches into his pocket, pulling out the familiar key and stroking it softly.

It's cut in the shape of a dinosaur, with the dinosaur print sticker over it. He still remembers the day that he and Harry went and got these cut together.

Louis had wanted to get penguins but Harry had wanted dinosaurs. And of course Louis let him get his own way. He never could resist him and his sparkling eyes when he was excited.

The green print of the key is faded now, the features of the dinosaur old and faded. But he wouldn't get rid of it for anything or anyone. It holds way too many memories.

It's not like he had ever thought he'd use it again, so he saw no harm in keeping it. Good thing he did though.

He doesn't even know if the key will still fit.

For all he knows Harry might have changed the locks. But it's worth a try at least, even if he ends up crying afterwards.

He sighs before pressing the unique metal shape to the keyhole, hesitating for a second before sliding it through.

His heart flutters as he hears a satisfying click, the sound of hope. It still works.

Louis presses his hand on the sturdy door, pushing it gently as he places his foot on the painted doorstep.

"Harry, love" he says quietly, stepping inside the dark apartment.

He doesn't want to overstep, entering a home that is no longer his. But he needs to see Harry, explain.

He feels a wave of sadness hit him as he looks at the familiar decor, nothing has changed in the flat except that now there's a feeling of loneliness hanging around, a heart missing from the once home.

Louis' heart sinks as he spots a small figure in the corner, jammed between the back of the sofa and the wall, and he walks over quickly.

"Oh Hazza" his voice trembles as he says the boys name, and looks at his tear stained cheeks.

He looks at the younger mans body, slumped against the wall with his head leaning on the small table beside him.

"Harry love" Louis whispers, leaning down.

He sits down between his legs, tilting up Harry's chin so that he can look into his emerald eyes.

They're glassy, and red around the rims from his tears. Louis feels a wave of guilt, knowing he's most likely responsible.

Fucking paps man.

Harry looks at Louis with a broken look, his eyes filled with sadness. "What" he whispers back, his voice cracking as he does.

Louis sighs and looks down, removing his hand.

'You've seen haven't you" he says, looking down.

"Harry it's wasn't". He struggles to get his words out, and he stumbles over each syllable.

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