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"Louis please open the door" Liam says tiredly, the side of his head leant against the wooden structure.

Louis has been in the bathroom for around two hours now and the boys are all extremely worried, especially Harry. He shouldn't have kissed him, what if that tipped him over the edge? He rubs his eyes stressfully, he never should have agreed to the reunion, he should have stayed as far away from Louis as possible. That was what would have been best. Then Louis' head wouldn't have been fucked with even more.

Inside Louis is recovering from a severe panic attack. He's had many, but usually he's not surrounded by people as he coaxes himself through them, and the pressure had been too much, causing him to pass out.

He wipes his bloodshot eyes with his sleeves, sniffing loudly before standing up. He pats the dust off of his trousers and clears his throat. He doesn't like to be seen at his weakest, so right now he just needs to leave. Go home to his safe place.

The door lock clicks as he exits the haven, squinting to try and hide the tear stains.

"Louis" Liam he breathes out.

Louis has a emotionless look on his face though, and although tear tracks are visible on his cheeks he doesn't look upset.

"I want to go home" Louis says quietly, looking at Liam. He's mad with him but right now he's tired, too exhausted to hold grudges.

Liam sighs and rubs his face, putting a hand on Louis' shoulder. "I'll drive you buddy, don't forget we have to go out tonight though".

Louis nods, avoiding Harry's gaze and moves away from Liam's touch.

Liam looks between the two confusedly, he still has no idea about what has happened.

He shakes his head, baffled, and follows Louis out of the flat, and down to Liams car.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asks Louis as they both get into the vehicle.

Louis shakes his head and Liam sighs. "You might help Lou, talking about things".

The truth was, Liam knew Harry was right about getting Louis to stop running away from things. He just didn't want to admit it.

Louis scoffs internally, having heard the way Liam went on at Harry. But his heart softens as he looks into Liam's brown eyes. "I'm fine" he says neutrally.

They get about halfway into the drive before Louis lifts his chin, gazing out of the car window.

"He kissed me".

Liam gasps and the car swerves. "He what?!" He yells, looking at Louis with bulging eyes.

Louis puts his head down. "He kissed me". He strokes his lips, almost feeling the ghost of Harry's over them, captured  in a gentle lock.

Liam shakes his head in confusion. "But- wha?" his eyebrows furrow and he glances at Louis, sighing. "Are you okay?" He says softly, deciding to go down that route.

Louis shrugs. "I'm...confused" he says, his voice going an octave higher.

He looks down. "After last night i thought we were going to be friends...but then this morning it felt so...right y'know".

Liam frowns even further. "What happened last night?" He questions.

Louis sighs, rubbing his face tiredly. "He sort of...explained".

Liam raises his eyebrows, "explained?".

So Louis goes on to explain the events of last night to Liam, not the ideal person but he needs someone to talk to. He explains the meeting, the pressure on Harry. But he doesn't mention the fact that he still blames himself for not being there for Harry, protecting him.

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