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An annoying pinging sound wakes Harry from his slumber at half past six in the morning, his phone.

He groans, rolling over and roaming his hand over the glass bedside table, searching for the annoying thing interrupting his sleep.

He grabs it, wincing at the never ending pings emerging from the irritating device, and quickly turns it on silent before sitting up.

He squints his eyes as he stretches his back and opens the phone, wondering what on earth all of these notifications are. He has most turned off, being a famous star and all, but the important ones are on.

News articles, missed calls, voicemails, text messages, emails. The list is endless. But
as Harry scrolls down the never ending list, his heart drops as he reads a few of the headlines.

Zouis Kiss!
The wrong ship?
Zouis is real!
Zouis lock lips?!

He can't open it, he's too afraid of what it may contain. Louis and Zayn? Since when? Is this why Louis reacted badly to the kiss?

Questions swarm Harry's head as he gets up from the comfortable bed and goes into the living room, pacing from the sofa to the door
before finally standing still.

He takes in a breath and opens his phone again.

He opens the article, begging it to be another rumour, a fake article made to start some drama by some dried out desperate paper.

*cough* The Mirror *cough*

His heart pounds as he looks through the article and he begs it not to be true. But all Harry's hope is lost when he sees the picture attached to the lengthy article. His heart sinks as his eyes bore into the photograph, tears welling.

He can tell because of the two boys clothing that this picture was taken last night. Must have been after they left the club together.

After Liam had gone mad with Louis. Louis had found comfort in Zayn. Not Harry. It makes him sick to the pit of his stomach.

The picture clearly shows Louis and Zayn together, Zayn leaning over Louis on the wall as the two lock lips.

He has no right to be upset Harry thinks to himself, biting his lip, willing the tears to stay in. He's not his anymore. He fucked it up.

But Harry can't help it. He's still madly in love with the blue eyed boy. He breathes in shakily and rubs the top of his arms, feeling cold and anxious.

Louis has moved on.

With that thought he lets out a quiet sob and leans his forehead on the wall, looking at his sock covered feet. They have strawberry's on. Louis always used to smell of strawberry's when he got out of the shower, it was probably his fruity shampoo.

Just a look at his socks and Harry feels his body drop, it's like he has no control over himself as he lays against the painted wall, his head leaning back.

"I love him" he sobs, shaking his head. "I love him so much".

He's positioned behind the sofa, leant against the cool wall behind him and the side of his head lolls on the back of the sofa as he cries.

"I love him".

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