Chapter 4

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I don't even try to talk to Derek right now, I know it would lead to nothing. So I just walk back to my room while Vinnie goes back to the cafeteria. He's probably used to seeing Derek like that but I've never seen him like that and I can't say I'm indifferent about it. I realize I don't feel too well, probably because I stayed out too late yesterday so I went straight to bed. Luckily, Cordel isn't here today. I couldn't stand to talk to him right now.

I don't know how much time i slept but when i wake up it's dark outside and i feel like shit. I'm cold and hot at the same time and I feel like throwing up. Good job Reeve, staying out so late while it's -5 in Boston was a super idea. As i realize i can't even get up to eat i decide to take some time to sort things out in my head, what else could i do anyways. So basically Janie broke up with me last night, i stayed out thinking about Derek and Janie and now im f***ing sick. Plus that, I made Derek sad?Angry? I don't even know to be honest. Derek. I let my mind drift away to thoughts of him, probably blaming it on the fact that I'm sick. Why am I thinking so much of him recently? That's not normal. I should be thinking about a way to get Janie back right now. But for some reason I don't think I want Janie back. I can't deny I did love her back last year, but now? I don't think I even have feelings for her anymore, which is obviously not her case according to the tears in her eyes when she broke up with me.

I definitely fell asleep again because I was woken up by some knocks on the door. Its probably stupid Cordel who forgot his keys. I try a simple "enter" not wanting to get up at all and surprisingly the door opens. I dont pay any attention to it knowing its Cordell but I didnt think he was that dumb to knock on an open door which is by the way, his dorm. But as I try to go back to sleep, I hear a simple voice that I immediately recognize calling my name.

What the heck is Derek doing here?? I freak out a little, I don't want him to see me like that. I look like a child wrapped in like 10 blankets.

"Derek? What the hell are you doing in my dorm? "

"Um, hey i-i just wanted to say sorry for earlier, i didn't mean it like that, you know this radio means a lot to me and I maybe was a little bit sad that you were leaving because i kinda liked you " He says the last part in such a quiet voice it's almost impossible to hear but i still manage to catch it

"I-I, no Derek should be the one to say sorry, i shouldn't even have started this thing with the janies,i put myself in this shit, i'm the only one to blame "

Derek says nothing only looking at me which I find myself flushered about so I look down thinking of what to say to calm the atmoshpere, and I have a really bad idea which i still chose to say because I can be really dumb sometimes.

"So, as I heard you like me? "Of course I can't help myself but to smirk a little while saying it.

" U-um i-i never said that, okay maybe i did but yeah ok i'm going to let you sleep now its like super late. See you tomorrow" He then runs out of the room before I can say anything, I dont think ive seen him like that, he was so embarrassed.

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