Chapter One

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I laughed and smiled at all my fans, as they screamed their praises at me.
This is everything I ever wanted. I was living my dream.
I was loving it.


Their arms were all reaching over the barrier as they tried to hand me things to sign.
Halfway back to the car, I finally gave in and decided to interact with them a bit.

"Hey" I grinned as I walked over to a group of them.
I laughed as they screamed louder in my ear.
A pen was handed to me, and I started to sign whatever came my way.
I slowly started to walk towards my car, signing whatever was thrown my way.

Cameras were flashing in my face as they held their phones out, so I decided to take one.
"Can I borrow that for a second?" I smirked and took a phone that someone was loosely holding in my face.
They didn't seem to care. They simply looked at their friend with a grin and screamed more.
I shook my head with amusement and turned on the camera. I took a selfie with them, then held the camera up higher to take a selfie with a whole group of people.
"Here" I handed them back their phone and turned to head to the car, as I saw my bodyguards becoming impatient.

I didn't even take one step.

Something in front of me exploded.

I was instantly thrown to the floor as one of my bodyguards jumped on me to cover me.
I covered my mouth as I watched the car erupt with flames and I noticed the people that had fallen to the floor around it.

I was pulled to my feet and quickly ushered away.

"No wait! Are they okay? Someone needs to help them! Someone call 911!" I argued, but I was being pushed too fast in the opposite direction to see what happened next.

I was taken to the other side of the building where there were no civilians around. A car shortly pulled up in front of me and I got in quickly.

On the drive back to my hotel, my mind was racing with a hundred questions for which I had no answers.
All I knew was that whatever that was, was meant to kill me. If I had not stopped to talk to the crowds, I would have been in that car.


I lay back on the sofa, with my head propped up against the arm rest.

I had my phone out, and I was reading about what happened at my concert last night. It was already the top news story.

"Did you know they just let anyone up here?"

I smiled and looked to the door as my best friend walked in.

"That's not safe" Tony frowned.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at my phone.

"Relax, I told them you were coming."

"But... I didn't tell you I was coming."

"Yeah, but you weren't not going to come, were you?"

"Oh you know me so well."

"And you know me... I presume that's my iced coffee" I grinned, and he handed it to me. "God, I love you" I remarked after I took a sip.

"Are you talking to me or the coffee?"

"I can love two things" I shrugged and put the cup down on the floor to continue scrolling on my phone.

"So how are you feeling? You alright?"



"You're babying me. Don't baby me. I hate that."

"I'm not babying you" he laughed. "I'm making sure you're okay."

"I'm fine... I missed you by the way."

"I missed you too. How long's it been?"

"Two months."

"Ah yes. My birthday... It was a good one."

"Well obviously, 'cause I was there" I reminded him.

I finally switched my phone off and slipped it in my pocket, and sat up so Tony could sit down.

"Oh, I'm not staying."

"Oh come on! Why not? This is a five star hotel and I literally have half the floor to myself!"

"I'm not staying... and neither are you."

I frowned at him, knitting my eyebrows together with confusion as he stepped closer to the couch where I was sitting.

I widened my eyes and realised what he was doing as he bent down and grinned at me.

"Tony... Tony no- no!" I cried playfully. "Tony!"
I turned over and buried my face in the couch cushions, but Tony rolled me back over and picked me up. I only protested a little, before holding on tightly so he wouldn't drop me.

He started walking, carrying me bridal style out my private suite.

I laughed as he walked through a door, carelessly passing the bodyguards waiting outside.

"Don't worry boys" Tony called back to them. The elevator doors opened as we walked towards it. Tony got on and turned to face my security team.
"I've got her" he smirked. The doors shut before they could object.

"You are a pain in the ass Tony Stark" I grinned.
He finally put me down as the elevator whirred into motion, making its way to the ground floor.
"As are you y/n y/l/n" Tony retorted.

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