"You can either eat or die of hunger, it's your choice."
You were starving but you weren't sure if you could trust the food.
"You have three seconds before I make the decision for you."
You reluctantly opened your mouth as your hunger got the better of you.
"Good girl" he grinned, and forced the spoon of soup through your lips.
It seemed fine. It was actually more than fine. It felt so nice because you hadn't eaten in what felt like forever. Now was the first time he had even removed the tape since you had been taken.
You were halfway finished when you heard a sound come from upstairs.
The doorbell, followed by a repeated banging on the front door.
"Hm. I'm not expecting anyone" he frowned, then glanced at you. "I suppose someone was going to come eventually."
He placed the bowl of soup down next to you then stood up and moved swiftly across the room.
There was a table, which you could barely see the edge of because of the shadows it hid in. He took a roll of duct tape from it and approached you once again.
He ripped some off. You could do nothing as he slammed it down over your mouth to silence you.
He then returned to the table and unzipped a bag that sat upon it. He grabbed something inside and pulled it out.
Your eyes widened at the sight of the gun.
"If no one causes any trouble, I won't have to use this."
He headed towards the stairs but paused at the bottom.
A loud crash sounded from upstairs. You could hear several pairs of feet run across the floorboards.
The man backed up so he was standing by you, gun in hand.
He was waiting.
Then what happened next, happened quickly.
The door at the top of the stairs was blasted off it's hinges and it banged loudly as it slid down to the floor. Cap's shield came flying down after it. The man moved quickly to dodge it and as soon as he regained his balance, he pressed the gun to your forehead.
Steve ran down the stairs but stopped immediately when he saw the position you were in. Bucky came down behind him. You stared at each other, both full of worry.
Lastly, Iron Man flew down, but like the others he also paused quickly. He looked at you, at the man, back at you, then finally back at the man.
He had a firm grip on the gun. His finger was hovering over the trigger.
"One wrong move, and I do it."
You shut your eyes, terrified to watch.
"Okay, what do you want?" Tony asked.
"Money? 50 grand, you let her go right now."
Tony couldn't see another way to get out of this. He didn't want to risk anything that could hurt you, and you would be dead as soon as they tried anything.
"I want a million" he replied. He was trying to sound confident, but even he knew he was testing the boundaries.
"Fine. Done. Let her go."
"How do I know you're going to pay me?"
"How do I know you're going to let her go?"
"Give me the money, I won't have a reason to keep her."
Tony hesitated but there was nothing much else he could do. His suit opened and he stepped out. He held eye contact until he had pulled his phone out his pocket. Then he looked down at his screen and started pressing on it. A minute later, he put his phone away.
Another phone pinged.
It was on the table on the other side of the room.
"I did what you asked" Tony said. "The money is in your account, now hold up your end of the deal. Let her go."
He slowly lowered the gun. He paused, clearly debating whether to move or not.
None of the other guys dared to.
He took a step, slowly and cautiously. He walked over to the table.
Bucky and Tony rushed to you.
Steve watched him. He picked up his phone.
"What the hell?" he exclaimed. His screen displayed nothing but a text notification reading "you're dead".
Steve ran to grab his shield.
"Liar!" the man cried but before he could do anything, Steve knocked him down. He kicked the gun out of his hands and knelt down on top of him so he couldn't move.
"Stay down" Steve hissed. He looked up and over at you.
The guys had pulled all the ropes off you and the tape off your mouth so you were completely free now. It was all over.
Tony held you hand as you leaned onto Bucky's chest while he hugged you.
"I'm so sorry doll" he muttered into your hair. "This is all my fault."
You said nothing; you were hiding your face in his jacket to muffle your cries.
Tony let go of you and Bucky picked you up in his arms.
They headed up the stairs to where the others had been waiting for something to happen.
You faced away from them. You could feel their eyes staring pitifully at your back. You just wanted to go home.

best friends with the tin man (y/n+avengers)
Fanfictionyn story - a famous singer with links to the avengers - idk just a random idea