Chapter Five

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The concert finished.

Not a single thing had gone wrong.


You still had to get out the venue and back to the hotel.

That's where it went wrong last time.

You were currently hiding in your dressing room, delaying departure.

"Hey doll" Bucky pushed open the door without knocking. "You were amazing tonight."


"Is everything okay?"


"Worried about leaving?"

"A little."

Bucky walked over to your chair and picked up both your hands. He pulled you to your feet and hugged you close to his chest. He kissed your cheek then rested his chin on your shoulder.

"It's okay. No one went near the car, and when we escort you out, no one's going to get anywhere near you. I promise."

"But what about-"

"Everyone will be fine. There's been like a bajillion security checks in just the last hour. No one's going to get hurt."

"If you say so."

"Come on. Sooner we leave, sooner we get back to the hotel where we can be on our own" Bucky smirked and placed another kiss on your cheek. Then he took your hand again and started leading you out the room.

"Oh wait."

"Is everything okay?"

"I need to go toilet real quick..."

"Okay. Do you want me to take you?"

"I think I can manage. But can you get me a drink for the car?"

"Of course. Come find me soon as you're done?"

"Mhm. See you in a bit" you smiled.

Bucky kissed your forehead and walked off one way as you left the other way.


Tony saw Bucky enter the crowded room, but you were not with him. So he approached with worry.

Tony reached him as he stood in front of the little shop.

"What are you doing?" Tony asked.

"Getting y/n a drink..." he faced the worker behind the counter. "Just a water please."

"Where is she?"

Bucky watched the shop assistant grab a bottle of water, pass it to him, then he handed over some cash. He looked back at Tony.

"Ladies room."

Bucky started walking. Tony followed.

"You let her go on her own?"

"Shes gonna be like five minutes. Nothing will happen. There's too many people around for anything to happen in the building and there's someone by every exit so she can't and won't leave without us knowing... trust me Stark, I wouldn't have left her if I wasn't 100% sure she was safe."

Tony and Bucky walked in silence back to your dressing room, to see if you had returned there yet.

You hadn't.

They moved in the direction of the bathroom, but didn't see you before they got there. They obviously couldn't go in, so they waited outside for a bit.

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