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Cat's POV
I ended up waking up to a scream, and I was pushed of the bed, I started to remember everything from last night and Hiro asked
"What are you doing here!? What happened last night!?"
"Okay, what was the last thing you remember?" I asked
"Just coming in here for...I don't remember, just get to the point!"
"Okay well...you sorta found some beer in here, and I dont even wanna know why there was alcoholic drinks in here, but anyways, you were being stupid, and you drank...a lot."
"So why are you in here?"
"Well everyone was hiding from you because they didn't want to get to know 'your drunk side', and I was the only person who would stand your stupidity, so I had to take care of you and make sure you were safe, so then I had to put you to bed, and then you ended up pulling me by you, and then you locked me in an unescapable prison which were your arms!" I said getting kind of pissed off
"Oh. Well I feel like absolute crap."
"It's called a hangover, dimwit. I'll go get you some medicine..." I said...getting up.
Right before I was bout to leave, Hiro said
I turned around and said
"Um, thanks for t-taking care of me last night, and making sure I was safe."
"No...problem..." I said then left.
After a bit, I went over to the living room and plopped down on the couch, I took out my phone and looked at the picture of Hiro, I sighed and then someone next to me said
"Oooooooo, someone's in loooooove!"
Whoever it was, I yelled and punched him or her in the face, I looked over, and it turns out it was Jaden.
"Sorry!" I said
"It's okay, but I do have to say one thing before I go get an ice pack."
"Which is?"
"I SHIP IT!!!" Jaden yelled then ran to the kitchen.
So I made a new book! It's called "Not Fiction Anymore" and if you go to my profile it should appear.
Also, I would like to ask a very important question, that I want every single reader to comment thier answers, it doesn't matter if your reading this a year after this is posted, JUST PLS COMMENT YOUR ANSWERS TO THIS
What are your ships and OTP (one true pair) for this book?
If you have multiple ships, comment them all! The more the better!
And for this shipping, just forget everything against any ships, JUST COMMENT YOUR SHIPS
And I need everyone who is reading this to comment it, I'm gonna check the reads and comments for this chapter, and they better be the same!
Even if you don't ship anyone, come up with a new one!
And for those who have OC's in this book, I especially want you to comment who you ship yourself with, I'm lookin at you, lolzcsts11 and Sai___Sai !
Seriously, the more ships you comment, the more ideas I get for this book
And if you want, you can't comment who you ABSOLUTELY don't ship, comment your anti-ships, ships, and OTPs please!!!

Dream or Nightmare?-Sequel to Dream Come True:Big Hero 6 and Rise of the Guardians (Jack Frost) BookWhere stories live. Discover now