level 5

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You have completed the quest : hellhound on my trail

You have gained 500 EXP

+5 VIT

+5 DEX

+1 INT

You have leveled up twice

You have reached level 4

You now have 300/400 HP

You have 10 ability points

I was falling, that much i knew.

I jumped into a vent, the type that takes hot air out of the building, a regular metal vent.

Or at least that's what it looks like

The biggest difference was that the fall was a lot longer than what it should have been, it took another 200 HP out of me! If i didn't level up just then i would've died

The next weird thing was the fact that despite the clean metal of the outside of the vent the inside was a stark contrast. It was completely made out of old brown bricks that had moss oozing out of the gaps.

It was like a giant had just swallowed me and i'm falling down into his stomach. The walls are his torn up throat and the moss is the blood seeping out.

When I finally landed I went for my inventory and took out the chocolate milk and chugged it in order to heal myself. After restoring 200 HP I went on to the more pressing issue, how am I going to get out of here?

I looked up and saw the tiny glimmer of light, tiny and unobtainable.

"Where on earth am i?"

The song in my head answers for me, it switches from hell hound on my trail to the labyrinth song by Asaf Avidan.

Am I in the labyrinth? Does this mean I'm going to get kidnapped by David Bowie?

I look to the wall which I could barely see and hope that observe works on a building, and also that light levels don't affect observe. Let alone in almost absolute darkness.

Name : The Labyrinth

Bio : the ancient and ever expanding Labyrinth of Greek mythology preserved into modern day America. This was the former prison of the minotaur, but is now the prison of the self-exiled inventor Daedalus who roams the halls of his greatest invention wallowing in guilt and self pity over the loss of the children entrusted to his care. The labyrinth, despite its mundane and ancient appearance is armed to the teeth with deadly traps and illusions so whatever lost souls find their way through here are bound to die and be forgotten by the sands of time.

Attributes :

Inanimate life : despite the labyrinth being a building, it's so advanced that it's as if it's alive, it even has a sense of humor displayed by the fact that it mentally tortures the people trapped in it's walls.

Lure : the labyrinth lures people in with various illusions, tricks or sometimes they just have bad luck. It especially works on people that are dumb or impuslive. Indians believed that it was actually a monster called a 'Leucrocota'.

Illusion : the labyrinth creates illusions to confuse whatever prey it wishes to mentaly torment while also defending its master.

Trap's galore : when the labyrinth grows bored of toying with a certain human it directs said human to a trap, which they often go into voluntarily due to years of mental torture

Quest notification : wandering the labyrinth

You must navigate the labyrinth and enter/exit through 10 doors (they are marked by a blue ) (1/10)

Rewards :

Title : wanderer of the labyrinth

A very complex map

A new dungeon

Failure :

Trapped in the labyrinth forever in an endless cycle of torment and misery

Become a slave/gladiator in your half-brothers arena

Eventual death

So that confirms it. I am in the labyrinth, and there's a chance I may go insane. Wait no, Gamer's mind protects me from that.

I go into settings and max out brightness on my vision so I might be able to see, it helps but not by much.

Now that I have some semblance of vision I take note of my surroundings.

I'm in a relatively small corridor with three exit's, two small ones in front of me sitting parallel from each other and a large one standing behind me.

The walls are mundane, like I saw on the fall down there were brown bricks lined with clumps of moss. The only thing that stood out was the metal torch on the wall that I wasn't keen on touching due to the labyrinth.

I did it anyway.

It's not like everything is a dangerous trap waiting to kill me right?

I was wrong.

The moment i touched the torch it sputtered to life, then the spark grew into a small fire, and rapidly grew to encompass the torch.

By the end the torch melted into a puddle of liquid metal.

Fortunately the fire's didn't hurt me because

Unlocked : passive ability : fire resistance

You can resist high temperatures

Fire resistance level 1 :

You can resist the heat from a lighter.

I thought that I was safe, I mean what's a pile of melted iron going to do? Bubble at me?

It didn't bubble at me, instead it solidified and turned into a small robot.

Name: Bob

Title: Daedalus bot (type(mimic))

Race: n/a


Age: 0

Hp: 300/300

Mp: 0/0

Str: 10

Vit: 10

Dex: 10

Int: 1

Wis: 0

Luc: 0

Bio: a robot created by Daedelus, master of the labyrinth. Able to mimic common items, this bot is made to protect the labyrinth by killing all who enter.


Inanimate shape: Can shapeshift into inanimate objects

Difficulty: easy.

I'm utterly and royally fucked.

Percy the gamerWhere stories live. Discover now