chapter 1. ^ "once upon a time" is useless

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Annie shoved her key into the door awkwardly, always struggling with keys until she got the door unlocked. She took her keys barely out of the door by the strawberry patterned lanyard. She raced up the stairs, tripping or skipping a few as she practically lunged up them.
"Garcy!" she practically shouted as she opened the door to her then best friend. Her keys smacked the door as she opened it. Then, much to her dismay, before Garcello could even get a word out, the door had bounced off the doorstop and barely missed her face.
Garcello stifled laughter as she opened the door again, Annie's face tilted in a smile barely holding onto laughter.
"Not my intended entrance there." Annie laughed out as Garcello put his neon green electric guitar back to its stand.
"Finally get that thing tuned?" she asked him.
"Yeah, took about 3 lifetimes." Garcello joked.
"You should play something!"
"I haven't learned it yet, Ann!"
"Learn it then!" she said, looking jokingly angry with a smile.
Garcello looked around for his phone, to no avail.
"Annie, lemme borrow your phone."
"Lemme borrow your phone!"
Annie looked suddenly a little nervous.
"Why?" she asked.
"To learn a song? Annie, you look nervous, I'm not gonna go through your phone or anything."
"I can go find yours if you want-" she said awkwardly, now sweating a little.
"Annie, what's wrong?" Garcello asked, patience in his voice.
It's not every day you have to admit you have a crush on your best friend, and you have a whole shrine of them on your phone as your background.
"Can you help me find mine then? I won't make you uncomfortable." Garcello said, but he could see guilt rise in Annie's face.
"I.. Uhh.. Sure." she said slowly.
"Don't worry Annie, I get it. I wouldn't even want my closest friends going through my phone, which is pretty much just you. Dunno what they'd find but I don't want them to see something embarrassing. Or my bank info. Either or." Garcello joked, standing up and leading Annie out to find his phone.
"Is it on silent?"
"I don't think so, I was gonna see if you were gonna text me but you just walked in my-" he stopped talking as he turned around to Annie at the top of the stairs.
"Dude. You left the front door open."
"Oops." she said with a small smile.
He couldn't stay mad at Annie, it's not like anybody really even lived on his street. Almost all of the houses were for sale, except for a few elderly neighbors and a family with young kids.
"Sorry about that," Annie laughed as she walked down the stairs and closed the door.
She spied Garcello's phone on the table next to the door where he kept his keys.
Annie snuck it in her pocket, then went back up the stairs where Garcello was looking. Annie stuck up behind him, and carefully slid it in his pocket.
"It's in your pocket."
"No it's not, I ch-" he was patting his pockets again, when he grabbed it.
Annie couldn't resist smiling at his dumbfounded face, revealing what she'd done.
"Annie you sneaky little-!"
Garcello leaned forward and grabbed her arm. Annie broke out in laughter, essentially falling over into Garcello as he tried to "capture" her. The capture essentially turned into Annie laughing so hard she could barely stand, and Garcello holding her up.
"You sneaky little gremlin." he said, letting go of her as she calmed down from her fit.
"It was funny!" she said, laughing a bit more. Garcello placed a hand on her shoulder to ensure she didn't fall down the stairs.
"At least you saved me from looking." he said, laughing a little himself. He swore laughter had to be contagious, at least to him Annie's was.
Annie's head hurt with desire. She wanted to tell him so much, but was scared to ruin their friendship. It's not like she knew he wouldn't ever loose her.
"Hey, wanna get coffee together?" Garcello asked, building his own courage.
"I don't even like coffee!" Annie joked.
"Then you buy an energy drink and inhale it on the way there, and I get coffee!"
"I can do that! But mayybe leave the guitar here."
Garcello then realized the neon green mass strapped over his back. "Uhh, yeah." Garcello made a small groaning sound, then laughed as he lifted it over his head, walking back to his room holding the guitar instead.
Once he returned to the top of the stairs, where they decided to talk, Annie looked awkwardly up at Garcello.
"Could I stay here tonight? I don't have work tomorrow and I wanted to hang out cus.. I feel like we don't super often anymore."
"Yeah, I don't mind! I don't have my spare room set up though, you mind sharing?"
"Why would I mind sharing?" she said with a smile. The two set off on their way to the coffee shop, stopping on their way at the store to get the energy drink. The stop at the store wasn't long, Annie having already decided her flavor of Monster on their way there. With input from Garcello.
"If I pay for it, will you share?"
"Well, yeah, I'll give you like half."
"You're feeling generous today. You'd usually just lie to me." he joked, making reference to how fast Annie drinks any kind of energy drink.
"I don't mean to! But this time, I'll get the flavor you like an' share it." she said with a smile.
After they reached the coffee shop, Annie said she would stand outside. She wanted to scope out a park. It was nice outside, and Annie was on a mission to find a park to ride the swings with Garcello, of course. As Garcello left the store to retrieve Annie, she found the park.

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