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Bonten welcomes you.

YOU JUST DUG YOUR OWN GRAVE, a voice echoes into your numbing skull and you'd spit and curse yourself internally as you walked out of Mikey's office.

    you got yourself skin deeper into a criminal organization—you had initially planned to just prove your innocence and to quell the thick suspicion they had of you. but for a long moment you were too enthralled with those onyx eyes that seem to pierce the windows of your soul. it's like witnessing the birth of stars on a dark nebula and you were caught by the space dust sticking to your lungs as you inhaled.

    to you, Sano Manjiro of platinum blond wisps was akin to a black swan; unpredictable and hard to decipher, and he ensnared you and you fell for it.

    you were trailing behind Kakucho's larger frame down the corridors, but neither one of you spoke up against the still tensed air that you felt inside the office. you both reach the elevator once again, the taller male steps aside, and holds the doors open for you as you quietly walk inside first. Kakucho marched in after and punched a button to the floor of your designated room. when the metal doors closed, that's when you felt his calloused palms on your cheek, sizing up your arms and mismatched irises traveling through your contours for any sign of injuries.

    "he didn't bite me, you know." you retort at Kakucho's worrisome hands patting your cheek and ruffling your hair and brushing the shell of your ears. he's fussing over you like a mother hen, it's almost laughable to look at.

    the look in his eyes makes you catch yourself. the once blank face is now cracked with divots and Kakucho's ruby-silver eyes stare down at you with concern and seriousness.

    "just wanna make sure." he murmurs gently. you start nibbling your bottom lip, your gaze set on the metal wall of the elevator as you part your mouth out of reluctance, before closing it again, wracking your head to find the right words to describe what just happened.

    "Kaku—" you stopped talking when the elevator dings so suddenly, trekking the ride to a stop before sliding open to a different floor, revealing a new figure on the other side of the small metal space, standing patiently. the stranger looked up curiously when the elevator doors opened fully, quirking a brow in your direction.

    "oh." the person intones, roving his dark eyes up Kakucho's lean figure then stopping shortly on yours, running up and down your dips and contours. there was an aching silence before the male beside you clicked his tongue in annoyance.

    "you getting in or are you just gonna stand there and keep judging?" Kakucho hisses, his thumb lingering over the closed button. the stranger immediately flings his arm on the elevator door when it starts closing.

    "now, now Kakucho that's not how you greet a dear colleague good morning."

    due to their banter, you took this opportunity to glance at the new arrival, scrutinizing him from head to toe. he's beautiful. tall and thin figure, long hair a porcelain white flow cascading down his shoulders, slightly narrowed cat eyes and lithe fingers festooned with golden rings and other ornaments. you can tell he was another Bonten executive when your eyes lands on the recognizable tattoo etched onto the left side of his hair.

    Kakucho rolls his eyes, huffing before stepping back allowing for the male to enter. you stiffen when the male peers down at you again when he's closer, turning towards Kakucho. "not gonna introduce me to the little one?"

ODE TO THE MURDERED, bontenWhere stories live. Discover now