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the demonic revelation.

           THE PARTY IS MODERATELY LOUD, the light blue LED lights complimenting Sanzu's magenta suit, Mikey's boysenberry's and your red velvet dress.

    there was a moment of silence when Bonten's boss enters the room, a thin layer of wary and discomfort bleeding into the air but neither Mikey nor Sanzu acknowledges the tensed atmosphere. The Haitani brothers appear from the corner of your eyes, wearing velvet just like you. they were quick to greet Mikey first.

    "Shiba Taiju is over there, talking with Benkei and Wakasa."

    you all turn your eyes towards the three prominent figures near the party buffet. you could barely make out the familiar lean figure of Wakasa, associated with two gigantic men, one with cropped white hair and the other one with windswept blue.

    Ran leans down to whisper to you. "the one in blue is Shiba, he's the host."

   he nods at Taiju and you assess him from the tip of his blue hair to ends of his sharp dress shoes. he's swirling a wine glass, eyes unrefined as it narrows at the duo he was conversing with. for a split moment his attention pans over in your direction—gold eyes staring back at you, a hint of recognition flickers before he diverts his attention to Mikey.

    what was that?

    Rindou lands his hand on your shoulder when Taiju approaches your group, with Wakasa and Benkei trailing mutely behind him. a wide smile breaks his face.

"so the infamous Bonten has arrived, what an honor for you to be here, Sano Manjiro."

    "if you aren't busy, why not we get straight to business?" Mikey fixes his tie and stares dully at the larger man in front of him. Taiju tosses his head back in a laugh, if he was offended by Mikey's comment he doesn't show it.

    "quite a bold man you've become, cold-hearted too. i guess handling the city's top syndicate does.." he scrutinizes Mikey's pale complexion. "that, to you."

    at the comment, Sanzu reaches for his handgun, Mikey immediately circles his wrist to stop him.

    "also," you flinch when you feel Taiju's gaze, acknowledging you from the corner of his eyes. "you brought a woman, how uncharacteristic of you."

    Ran steps in front, quick to shield you from Taiju's eyes. it's something with the way he looks at you that makes you irk, his gaze enough to pierce a fissure though your soul.

"thought you've passed the stage of getting violent with women, how's your sister by the way?"

    an unsettling glower ripples through Taiju's face, he was quick to mask it, running fingers through his hair then turning back to grin at Mikey. "want the intel or not? i'm only allowing you and one other to accompany me to my private office, the rest will stay here."

    "fine." Mikey turns to his right-hand. "Sanzu, you follow me."

    the two were soundlessly guided by Taiju off to some corner of the hall, the tension around you clears a little. Wakasa clears his throat, skirting his eyes away from those three before landing it on you, a smile sitting on his lips.

ODE TO THE MURDERED, bontenWhere stories live. Discover now