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tongue-tied attachment.

YOU HAD DREAMT OF RAN'S pained screams and Kokonoi's head being popped off by a bullet. subsequently, you even see Izana, Mucho, Hanma and your siblings: Marise, Mars and Tetta bleeding and lifeless. you were chained, dragging weight on your ankles and your wrists, bound and helpless as you watched the people you have grown to love die, and die and die over again, ravaging your skin and bones with its wicked antics.

you woke up in a fit of labored breaths and perspiration, blurry eyes and a pounding heart in your chest ready to explode.

you would have allowed your rising panic to drown you if it wasn't for the warm, and heavy hand holding your own in a vice grip. your eyes slide down to the figure resting beside you, and see Ran's tousled bangs spilling over the blankets, he is hunched over your bedside, legs cramped in a chair that's all too small to accommodate his large physique but he somehow manages to sleep with heavy snores. making your panicked inhales ebb into quiet breaths.

"you know, he refuses to leave you alone."

Rindou is sitting on a chair across the bed, shocking you fleetly. his eyes remain bored but they looked more tamed than usual, more relaxed. the crease that's usually between his brows absent. today, he wears something casual—too casual. no Versace suits, no expensive jeweleries around his thin wrists or debonair outfits: just a plain black tee and matching jeans. he drops his phone and stands,


you could only nod your head, Rindou walks over to you, grabs the water and leans down. "carefully, 'kay?" he murmurs. you slowly gulp the refreshing liquid.

"what happened?" you ask, after watching Rindou place the glass down and sits beside you.

"you, Koko and my brother got ambushed, the others went to go rescue you. we are currently in Ginza, in Wakasa's gym. only a few personnel's know this place so you three are safe—and, you've been out for a week."

"a week?"

"you suffered mental strain." he intones with a frown, reaching to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"how are you feeling?" you close your eyes and you remember the dreams, each one like a burning charcoal stuck between the crevice of your head.

"i'm tired." you answer.

Rindou examines your face for a bit, opens his mouth but immediately stops. you didn't notice how his eyes flicker to Ran's tight hold on your hand—then he lifts his eyes to your face, frowns, then distances himself, stands up and clears his throat.

"get some more rest. i'll uh, i'll go talk to Takeomi and tell 'em you're finally conscious. it might take awhile so whenever Ran wakes up, you should go and talk with him. i was able to convince him to go back to his own room after staying with you for hours, he completely changed his mind again when we heard you screaming in your sleep."

Rindou's statement made you freeze. "i'm sorry."

"no, no it's okay. it must've been difficult for you, to do all of that." Rindou stops, licks his lips then looks at you again. "and, thank you."

ODE TO THE MURDERED, bontenWhere stories live. Discover now